Verum factum

Giambattista Vico (1688-1744)

 A scientist of robotics 

Hello! I'm Naoto Yoshida

I am interested in the emergence of autonomous behavior in robots with motivation grounded in their own bodies. And also in symbiosis between humans and such robots.

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at Kyoto University. I am a researcher in JSPS Transformative Area (A) Qualia-Structure Project (PI: prof. Nao Tsuchiya, ATR, Monash University) with prof. Tadahiro Taniguchi, and I am studying the emergence of communication in artificial agents from the desire to survive.  

Key words: embodied intelligence, homeostasis, deep reinforcement learning, computational neuroscience, cognitive developmental robotics

Research summary

Selected Publications

2012 MSc in Information Science, NAIST
2024 PhD in Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo

Appointments held
2006-2010 Tohoku University, School of Engineering, B.S. (prof. Yamaguchi & prof. Ishikawa)
2010-2012 Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Graduate School of Information Science, M.E. (prof. Ikeda & prof. Doya)
2012-2013 NAIST, Graduate School of Information Science, Ph.D. Student (prof. Ikeda & prof. Doya)
2011-2013 Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Graduate Student (prof. Doya)
2013-2016 Tohoku University, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D. Student (prof. Ishikawa)
2016-2024 GROOVE X, Research Engineer, Behavior Designer (CEO Kaname Hayashi)
2020-2024 University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Information and Technology, Mechano-Informatics, Ph.D. Student (prof. Kuniyoshi)
2022-2024 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS Research Fellow (DC2)
2024- Kyoto University, Program-Specific Researcher (Qualia Structure) (prof. Taniguchi)
2024- University of Tokyo, Visiting Researcher (prof. Kuniyoshi)