The Beginning of High School

In the beginning, the beginning of the high school year that is, the best principal in the world decided that it was necessary to create some new clubs and build some new buildings on campus. She wanted her high school to be regarded as the best of the best in all the land, and she sincerely desired to outpace the growth of some newer schools. Newer schools meant newer technologies and more money available to create new activities. This upset the principal, and she was determined to do something about it.

In order to do this, she gathered her best and brightest students and staff to help achieve this lofty goal. Their goal was to create a new club or idea for a building every day for a week. While they knew this would be difficult, they decided having a set goal like that would enable them to stay focused.

She knew there needed to be change, and so they started brainstorming ways to create and build these new clubs and buildings. To make everyone's day brighter, they decided to create a Light Club. Their students got along well, but they knew they could bring more positivity, encouragement, and unity to the school as a whole.

When they met the next day, they decided they needed an Outside Care Club, to take care of the environment and keep the grounds looking nice and neat. The school had been entrusted with beautiful grounds and land, and they needed to take care of it to preserve it for the next generation.

On the third day, they decided they needed an Astronomy Club to explore the night skies and learn more about the incredible universe. While it would benefit the science department, it would also benefit the student population as a whole. They planned to put telescopes on the top of the buildings so students could come out at night with their friends and view the beautiful night sky.

On the fourth day, they decided they needed a Zoo Building so the students could enhance their studies and observe the animals they were studying in class. In addition to making the school a more enjoyable and educational place for the students, they were creating an environment that families would want to be a part of. The principal's main goal, beyond the happiness of her students, was to have the families of both the students and teachers feel connected.

And finally, on the fifth day of the school week, the students and faculty decided that they needed a Nap Building, so students could rest and stay alert, both mentally and physically. Not only could students catch up on much needed sleep, they could also use this time for sleep research.

At the end of this, they decided that the clubs they were starting and their plans for the new buildings were sound, and that they would increase the prestige and appeal of the school. They were pleased with themselves, and could not wait to see the fruits of their labor.

(Image Information: 7 Days of God's Creation Story by BibleMotivation)

Author's Note

Rewriting the Creation Story, a well-known story from the Bible, poses some inherent difficulties, but it was also fun and a challenging creative exercise. Because it is so well-known, I did not want to retell it in too serious a manner, which is why it is not actually a creation story as one thinks of in regards to the creation of the world. I choose to make it more modern, and focus on the creation of a new club and building on campus, rather than the creation of the world and man. This is a pretty significant change as it changes the scope of the magnitude of the story.

1st Day / Light and dark

2nd Day / Skie and Seas

3rd Day / Sun, Moon, and Stars

4th Day / Land, Plants, and Trees

5th Day / Fish and Birds

6th Day / Men and Animals

7th Day / God rested

While it is different in a lot of ways, I tried to keep some themes such as God created light, they made a Light Club, and things like that. Maintaining themes helps connect the original and new stories, even if the plots or details change. I hope people pick up on the expansion of the clubs and new buildings as they attempt to retell the creation stories. There would be several different ways to rewrite the creation stories, so trying to use a new idea was challenging at times. But it was also cool and made me think from a different way in order to be effective in my storytelling.

Story source: King James Bible (1611): Genesis 1-3.