Moving Toward Peace:

An Afternoon of Dance and Music

Moving Toward Peace: An Afternoon of Dance and Music

2:00 - 5:00 SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 22 at Hanover Presbyterian Church 1801 N Jefferson St, Wilmington, DE 19802

2:00 - 3:15 Legacy Workshop -- Using conversation and simple movement tasks, participants will be lead in an exploration about the characteristics of peace makers and the challenges they face.

3:30 - 4:45 Dance and Music Performance

4:45 - 5:00 Talk Back

The Hanover Dance Collective together with colleagues we've invited from the arts community will offer an afternoon of music and dance, performance and participation.

The event will be in two parts; people can attend one or the other or both. We'll begin with a workshop in which we use creative movement techniques to engage participants in an exploration of what peace means to them, how it feels to live in a time of strife and discord, and what it takes to be a peacemaker. Participants will be invited to bring what they've discovered and developed to the performance which will follow.

In addition to the performance piece generated from the workshop, there will be other dance and music pieces performed. Counter Tenor Gus Mercante will dedicate his singing of the spiritual There's a Man Going Round Taking Names to those who remain after acts of gun violence. Members of the Dance Collective will respond with moving-stories about the effects of this violence on our bodies and our spirits. Members of the choirs of Hanover Presbyterian Church will offer songs of Peace from many traditions. Sharing our Legacy Dance theater will offer a piece from their repertoire.

A group of dancers from Wilmington and Philadelphia will bring their new piece Watershed in which they are thinking of peace as the connection with self, others, and the environment. Watershed places the human journey in the context of water systems.

All the dancers will come together to perform Imagine a hopeful conclusion to the afternoon's performance.

Then, in a brief talk back session, audience members will be invited to respond to these offerings with ideas about how they are moved to seek peace and concrete ways in which they will pursue it.