About Us

Drug Rehab Randolph is a life-changing experience that helps addicts rebuild a healthy and sober lifestyle. Its therapies and support programs are designed to eliminate symptoms of substance use disorder and build confidence. The goal of rehab is to help addicts establish positive changes in their lives, including a healthier diet, exercising, living in a sober community, and finding peace and gratitude. The goal of rehab is to prevent an addict from relapsing and regain control of his or her life.

After drug rehab, addicts often struggle with post-acute withdrawal symptoms, which can last for twelve to eighteen months. These symptoms include decreased appetite, poor sleep, mood swings, and irritability. They can also have trouble concentrating. These symptoms can contribute to relapse, which is why it's important to seek out ongoing therapeutic support after rehab.

Residential treatment programs provide structure for patients. The daily schedule is structured with positive activities to give clients a new perspective and boost self-confidence. It also sets up positive choices for the post-rehab life. Patients may also take part in group sessions led by a therapist. This social interaction is particularly important for patients because it creates a sense of community and provides them with emotional support.

The most intensive form of drug rehab is inpatient care, which involves staying onsite. This form of treatment is often recommended for people with long-term, severe addictions and co-occurring disorders. Outpatient rehab, on the other hand, may offer similar therapies but is less restrictive. The duration of outpatient treatment varies between programs. Some rehab programs require just a few hours a week, while others require you to spend five or six full days in treatment.

Moving Mountains Recovery

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