Thornton Creek Elementary Move-A-Thon 2023

A parallel fundraiser for Thornton Creek Parent Group
& Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance

SPS has announced significant budget cuts for next year, and this parallel fundraiser is a key tool to help mitigate the impact on students both at TC and across Seattle. The amount you choose to give to each of these organizations is entirely up to you. Funds raised for Thornton Creek Parent Group will help bridge significant budget shortfalls identified at our school for next school year, including staffing gaps. Funds raised for Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance will be equally distributed across 17 Southend schools. Every dollar raised makes a difference in supporting our students. 

Our school-wide celebration on Friday, May 19 has us all moving forward together with three goals focused on building a healthy community:

With a variety of activities and the opportunity for kids to create personal goals for the event, we celebrate our differences and strengthen our community. Support their progress with a donation! 

Donating to TCPG allows us to help ensure Expeditionary Learning at TC remains intact and every student gets to participate fully! Budget cuts from the district are especially deep for next year, and fundraising efforts will help bridge these deep cuts to aim to maintain stability for our students. 

Past gifts helped fund:

Donate to the Southeast Seattle Schools Fundraising Alliance—a coalition of southend schools whose mission is to use the collaborative fundraising model to distribute parent-raised funds and uplift District 7 schools—meet their goal of $500,000, which will be equitably distributed to each of the 17 participating Southeast Seattle schools.

Contributions are eligible for Matching Donation Programs and are tax deductible

Parent Group Tax ID# 91-1037596
SESSFA Tax ID# 91-1508191

Please direct questions to Thornton Creek Parent Group
Sterling Maximo: