However, it seems that the unit test runner does not have any associated shortcut keys. I want to be able to select certain tests and be able to run or debug them without resorting to grabbing the mouse each time. Is using the mouse my only option?

You can collect your tests in a test session tab of Unit Test Sessions window. Then you can run all these tests by running command ReSharper.ReSharper_UnitTest_RunCurrentSession.ReSharper.ReSharper_UnitTest_RunCurrentSession command is assigned to Ctrl+R, Ctrl+U in my Visual Studio.

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Have you tried assigning a keyboard shortcut to these, because I use MSTF and its own test runner, I run all my tests using its shortcut of ctrl r + a, and to run an individual test I either click on the resharper icon (I have Gallio installed) or use test context menu to run the test.

I start the game using my controller and when in the menu I can see in the bottem left corner that the controls are flikering between mouse and keyboard and controller and it does it while im driving so it makes it unplayable.

I had this issue when I was using a bad controller and my sensitivity/deadzones, set to to 0/100, or even 5/95,( Not a good controller). Not sure why this effected the non driving part of the game for me, but it did. It also effected my movement in the Design Area. I since use another good controller and issues stopped.

Hey dunno if you are still having this issue but ive had it too and found a solution. first off this bug only occured when i was using a third party cheap controller. when using the original one controller it seamed to work. still got the cheap one to work. for me it was caused by steam. it makes the controller act as a mouse. just completely exit steam and your problem should be fixed

I found that if you turn off Steam input for controller settings within Steam controller tab everything works perfect, no more twitching, over sensitive controls or switching between mouse and keyboard.

UPDATE: Added cheats to the table below. Another huge thanks to @Joejoe for providing these.

UPDATE 2: Fixed ManxTT lack of engine sound and Danger Screen at startup. Dynamite Deka 2 Added.

UPDATE 3: Using new LUA scripts that include cheats, a scanline option and more refined widescreen scripting. Added DINPUT control configuration using a PS4 controller. More fixes in change log. You can use F5 to toggle between 16:9 and 4:3 when using widescreen scripts.

So you know the drill with these releases. The intention is to take these awkward to set up emulators, and make them as plug and play as possible for those using a PC, controller, mouse and light guns.

Here is the follow up to the Supermodel project I completed a little while ago. The Model 2 setup was far more forgiving and didn't make me want to trash my computer. That's not to say there aren't some interesting and awkward things going on that needed some attention, however these were far more easy to fix. 

As per usual many hours have been put into this project with much testing and in the case of getting 2 Player Mouse support, a lot of calibrating. 

This has only been configured for the parent rom versions only. 1G1R

Instructions - Super Simples

-Download Model 2 Emulator

-Use MERGED ROMS. imma say it again MERGED ROMS.

-Download Pre Config File Folders On This Page (Make sure you select your correct input type)

-Place in Model 2 folder and replace any files.

-Widescreen scripts are being used as default. If you only want 4:3, replace the scrips with the 4:3 ones provided in Scripts Folder.


What this configuration will give you:

2 Player Mouse Support for Light Gun Games - Resolution Specific 1920x1080 - If You Change Resolution It Will Be Inaccurate

I cant tell you how awkward and difficult it was to get this to work. Due to RawInput being a must for 2 mice, the calibration doesn't scale into different resolutions. This means you can't calibrate it using the auto calibration (shooting targets) in its test menu, as it'll be inaccurate no matter how perfectly you shoot those calibration targets. You can't even calibrate at native resolution to make it 1 to 1 and then increase the resolution. Thankfully Virtua Cop 1 & 2 both have a manual adjustment feature meaning I could off set the adjustment to get PERFECT pin point accuracy. Behind Enemy Lines was awkward but not impossible to get accurate, as it doesn't display where your actual in game cursor position is on screen. Only X and Y coordinates are displayed, which was just enough info to get it accurate. Gunblade on the other hand gives you absolutely no on screen info at all when calibrating, it's as accurate as I can get it.

What is really weird is that some of these games are accurate out the box with RawInput off, but needed recalibrating when I enabled RawInput. But now if you turn off RawInput it is still accurate after calibrating for RawInput. That's great as switching between the two is seamless and retains accuracy. Best of both worlds, as having RawInput off for single player gives you more mouse sensitivity. 

No Screen Flash for Virtua Cop 1 & 2 and House of the Dead

LUA scripts are included as standard to remove the screen flash that would happen every time you pull the trigger. 

All the other Light Gun Games don't have screen flash by design so all of these shooters do not flash.

Controls Configured with Images for Every Game

All controls have been pre configured for both players. I have also made images for the layout of every game. Controls were tested the most. I found some strange/broken controls that needed some thought. Sky Target has a broken up and down analogue input, however simply mapping this as a digital input to the left stick up and down is a perfect workaround. Desert Tank benefits from no analogue inputs also, I have got it to control exactly like the vehicles in Halo which is neat. Aside from that there are various racing games that have inverted pedals that needed the Invert option checked in the control calibration options.

All Games In English - All Games Free Play

This speaks for itself. All test menus adjusted to let these games play in English and in Free Play mode.

Test Menu Fixes and Unlocked Hidden Game Modes

Network Board Not Present.....Done. Unlocking all game modes in Virtua Striker....Done. Calibrating analogue inputs in 'Volume Adjustment' (Yeah I thought it was to do with audio too) so controls are correct and use the entire travel of the analogue range so racing games aren't twitchy....Done. A whole bunch of tweaks from CRT modes giving better brightness to extending game times among a shed load of other crap that enhances the experience in some way.....Done.

Optional 16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen LUA Scripts

Put these in the scripts folder and boom...proper widescreen no stretching. These work way way way way better than the temperamental widescreen option in the EMULATOR.INI file, which only works half the time depending on how your graphics are scaling etc etc etc etc. Just use the LUA scripts instead for better results and no headaches, I command it.

I love this feature, House of the Dead and Gunblade even allow you to shoot into the 16:9 space.


These games are Sega's masterpiece. I love this emulator.

Thanks a lot for dedicating yourself and getting the best out of this emulator.

Without a doubt he did his best. Thank you very much man

Just like the Sega Model 3 Pack, this one does not disappoint. The included lua scripts do overwrite the demulshooter crosshair scripts but the improved accuracy is a welcome addition. There is very little left to tweak with these, thanks again for all the hard work. ?

Researchers studied the gut microbes of runners from the Boston Marathon, isolating one strain of bacteria that may boost athletic performance. Nicolaus Czarnecki/Boston Herald via Getty Images  hide caption

A new study out Monday in the journal Nature Medicine identified a group of bacteria that are more common in athletes, especially after exercise, and may play a role in enhancing athletic performance. The researchers isolated this bacterial strain from elite runners, put it into the colons of lab mice and found that these human-derived bacteria boosted the mouse's performance on a treadmill exertion test by 13%.

"This is a really impressive study," says Morgan Langille, a microbiome researcher at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia who was not involved in the research. "It's the first study I'm aware of that goes beyond correlation to show that certain microbes that increase with exercise actually have an effect [on performance]."

Scientists already knew that exercise subtly changes the makeup of our microbiome. Certain strains flourish in the post-workout gut. But scientists hadn't demonstrated whether any of these exercise-loving microbes actually affect our health or performance.

"If we could identify microbes that do contribute to the health and performance of super healthy people, then maybe we could develop a probiotic to help everyday people perform better," says Jonathan Scheiman, currently the co-founder and CEO of FitBiomics, who led this study while he was a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard Medical School.

"A good two weeks of my life was spent driving around Boston in a Zipcar collecting fecal samples from runners," Scheiman says. He wanted to compare their microbes before and after running the marathon, and weigh them against the microbiomes of non-runners.

Scheiman's intrigue grew. "Isn't it interesting that after running a race you have an increase in a kind of bacteria that eats a metabolic byproduct of running a race? ... That was a big lightbulb moment," he says. 152ee80cbc

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