How To Mount a Flat Screen TV to the Wall | A Step-By-Step Guide

Wall-mounted televisions are an excellent way to make your living areas more inviting. Mastering how to mount a screen to the wall can raise it off the floor and save room. Almost any room looks better with a wall-mounted TV. Fixed TV wall mounts or alternative types are available. Learn how to fix a TV mount at the proper height on your wall with this guide.

Selecting a TV mount

Finding the right wall mount is the first part of knowing how to mount a TV. Television wall mounts are available in a variety of styles.

  • Fixed TV wall mounts hold the tv flush against the wall in a static position.

  • Swivel TV wall mounts enable you to pivot the screen to the left and right to support viewing from different angles.

  • Tilting TV wall mounts let you slant the screen down for an improved viewing angle.

Mounting hardware has the size and weight considerations. Do check the product specs to ensure that the mounting brackets are compliant with your screen.

Picking the right location & height

Mounting a television on the wall needs some forethought. Think ahead before digging in your wall to save time and anxiety. Begin by deciding where you want to place your television.

When seated, the best viewing height is to centralize the display at eye level. This is considered by many to be too low for a wall mount. Rather, they adhere to the following guidelines:

  • When seated, keep the bottom of the display no further than eye level.

  • When standing, the top of the display should not be higher than eye level.

If you remain within these parameters, you should be able to enjoy a pleasant watching experience.

Locating studs

When installing a TV on the wall, you must screw it into studs. Hollow-wall anchors are not recommended because they cannot hold the weight of the Screen wall mount brackets and the television.

Pro Tip: If you're mounting a TV to a brick wall, you won't need to look for studs. Instead, secure the mount to the wall with masonry anchors.

Marking Pilot Holes

  • Peel the paper and make a light pencil mark where the TV's edges will be.

  • On each TV mounting bar, compute the distance between the top and bottom holes. In the middle of each wall stud, mark two points that match these holes.

  • Make sure the mounting holes for each arm are evened with a level.


  • Use a level to ensure that the flat screen wall mount or TV mount brackets are levelled against the wall.

  • Hold the wall mount with the help of a friend.

  • Drill pilot holes in studs along the lines where you've made mounting marks using a drill.

Fastening mount to the wall

  • Let a friend hold the mount against the wall where the pilot holes were bored.

  • Secure the TV mount to the wall using screws pushed in with a drill.

  • Once it's mounted, double-check that its level.

Securing mounting plate to the screen

Depending on the type of mount, you'll need to figure out how to attach it to the back of your TV. Full motion TV wall mounts, for instance, may necessitate a different set of steps than other models. When attaching the mounting plate to the back of your TV, it's advisable to follow the owner's manual.

Mounting TV

Make sure to mount your TV to the wall according to the manufacturer's directions.

  • Confirm a secure connection between both the wall plate and the TV plate.

  • If the cables dropping from the bottom of the TV aren't put behind the wall, use a cord covering to conceal them.