Research Work


Bioink formulation

We are trying to understand the rheological properties of extrudable biomaterial-based ink and apply it for making high-resolution 3D bioprinted structures.

Fig. (A) Prepared Gelatin- Alginate ink and printed 2D grid patterns, where the quality of structures are compared with a parameter called Pore Printability (Pr); (B) Structure of extruded filament; (C) Rheological experiments are conducted to understand the best suited temperature for printing.

Bioprinting skin

Some initial experiments has been attempted to 3D bioprint skin cells

Fig. (A) Workflow of  3D bioprinting (B) Initial work using different skin cell types - (i) Brightfield image of 3D bioprinted NIH/3T3 fibroblast cells using gelatin-alginate-based bioink; Mimicking epidermal stratification in vitro using 3D bioprinted HaCat keratinocytes with gelatin-alginate-based bioink (ii) phase contrast image (iii) CLSM image (blue- nucleus, green- cytoskeleton) of stratified keratinocyte layer; (iv) Phase contrast image showing that we have mimicking melanin secretion in vitro using B16-F10 melanocytes-spheroids (Scale – 100 μm).

Exploring biocompatability of Mxene nanosheets

In collaboration with a research group at SGPGIMS, Lucknow, we are working to show the biocompatibility of Mxene nanosheets for stem cell growth.

Fig. (A) Structure of Mxene nanosheets (B) Mxene-incorporated micron-sized fibers (C) TEM image showing Mxene nanosheet attached into a single fiber (D) Effect of different concentrations of Mxene nanosheet-loaded fibers on stem cell viability.