My Vision


UX Research

Crazy 8




Project Context

Designed in 10 days: May 2022

Tools used: Figma, Paper, and Pencil

Solo Project

A project dedicated to helping color blind people.

The Problem with color blind people  👁

There are almost 300 million people worldwide who face color blindness problems, which is 8 percent of the whole population. Nearly half of them are unaware of their condition. Most color blinded people are able to see things as clearly as usual but there are unable to distinguish red, blue, or green light.


The majority of color blind people face problems seeing colors in everyday activity and there's no cure for it yet. They wish there was any tool that can help them solve this everyday problem.

A solution to see colors

A camera app that is embedded with multiple color filters that simulate according to the color blindness type. It will also help the normal color vision people with what someone with color blindness sees.



Due to time constraints, I was not able to connect with color blind people and conduct primary research. But to be resourceful I did secondary research and looked up articles and surveys to develop empathy and understand the daily problems faced by color blind people.

Colorblind people feel pessimistic as there is no cure or tool that can help them ease their everyday problems. Based on the research information, I found that there are 6 main types of color blindness that are different from each other. And most people who have color blindness are unaware of their condition. 

How might I... design a tool that helps all types of color-blind people and is easy to use?


Persona + journey map

After research, I decided to create a persona and user journey map below to identify the pain points users go through and come up with solutions.


Crazy 8

I proceeded to do crazy 8 on the main page of the app to come up with different ideas as fast as possible.

Sketching for efficient flows + Visualizations

I sketched paper wireframes of multiple screens and user flows for visualization before designing the high-fi prototype. I also looked up some similar applications online for some inspiration.

Sketches of possible user flow of the app

Exploration of the main page of the app

Visualization of difference and color scale option


It is designed more like a camera to give users a great experience like a portal through which they see the world in rich colors. Although there were no major changes here are some changes made through the process:

Final screens after revisions

Reflections + what I would do differently