What Is a False Neutral

[, Music ], hello, guys. What is that welcome to another episode of my vlog? How y'all doing today? I hope y'all having a fantastic and a beautiful day. Oh, and I was been raining a couple of days and I'm already.

Sorry I couldn't, show you guys March on the vlog, especially on the motovlog, and I was busy with the with the setup of the hostel and everything and if you guys, haven't seen that video. Please do check out the link somewhere here, so it's.

Taking a lot of time. Of course, we're, just trying to perfect the place, and you know get things sorted out before the biker season starts completely, so that's. What we're waiting for so today's topic with the vlog is about false neutrals.

Why do we have false neutrals and how can we avoid false neutrals? A lot of y'all are having this issue with false neutrals. So do I at times you know, but not always. Yes, I do have this problem now.

Let me tell you how you can fix this issue up and how you can solve this issue up so the easiest way and the easiest methods I'm, going to just share it with you guys so that it'll, be much More easier for you, guys to you, know, fix this issue up it's, something that can be fixed, but you just need to be a little bit more cautious and careful when he just shifted gears.

First, let me tell you the reason why it happens. It happens. If you're, not wearing a proper riding shoes at the shift area and off your shoes, it's, kind of a very slim or very thin. Then you would again face this problem.

Maybe if you're wearing a flip-flop or a cloth textile shoes kind of thing, then of course you're gonna face this problem, but then how can you fix it? The easiest way to fix this, no matter what shoes you're wearing or whatever you're doing, is just when you're.

Shifting just make sure that you move your foot to the very top of your gear box. Make sure that you shift it properly and you shift it in. You know, instead of hurry, just put the gears properly inside the gear that's, the easiest way that you could resolve issue while you downshift the same thing applies here too, so never be soft on your gear shifts when you're.

Putting it in a gear position so make sure that you put it in a little bit harder depending on the shoes that you're wearing, and it also depends on motorcycle to motorcycle with the Japanese motorcycle yeah.

The gear shift are kind of much better than their counterparts that European ones, so it depends on any European motorcycle. I'm talking about you know. I remember one of the worst shifts motorcycle that I ever saw in my life was the RC 8.

I don't know how it is, but back then I know what problem it was, but it was not a good shift at all. So you have to work with your shifts and make sure that the shifts are doing in properly and are doing it quite well.

You just got to make sure that you put the gears in the position and their slots properly, that's. The most important thing, the second reason why you can face this issue is because of the chain slack if your chain is like super loose, that's.

One of the reasons that you could face this issue so make sure that you got your chain adjusted properly. According to the recommended adjustments that you need one of the very important things that changed like a super loose.

You could face this issue again and again putting it any other gear. Ulta would be a problem, but in this case I'm. Just talking about false neutrals, usually it doesn't happen in all the gears. It only happens where you're, trying to shift from second to the first gear that's when the problem happens.

So that's, where you guys have to be careful at and make sure that if you're wearing a proper boot or maybe a motorcycling shoes, you wouldn't face this issue that much that's. The easier than it could this fix.

The only way that you can fix this issue is that you try to fix your ankle and try to shift it a little bit. You know properly and a little bit harder, try to put in the slots and that's, the important thing yep yep yep.

How do I try to avoid this? I try to avoid wearing shoes is made up of textile, and if I wear the textile made shoes, I always try to put the gears properly inside the slot a little bit harder. Most of the time that's, the best thing that you can do, I never try.

Where flip-flop. When I ride my motorcycle, I just wear my crops because I also don't. Have a flip-flop has not have been convenient when you ride on a KTM because of the hot air that it blows. So you got ta wear a Sox.

You can't, wear shots, not even advisable to wear a shots when you ride your motorcycle, I never recommend people wear shots if you ride a motorcycle, because, oh my god, just imagine, god forbid the moment, you have a fall.

What is the condition? Gon na be like, can you just imagine that? Ah I always try to wear jeans and at this point of town I'm wearing sweet football shoes. It's kind of having a strong front end, the toe section area.

So with that, it's kind of much more easier when you shift, and it depends from shoes to shoes that's. What I mean I can tell you when we tend to shift our motorcycle, that's when we tend to forget that this issue occurs, and then we start to blame the motorcycle, the gearbox and stuff.

So it's, not the motorcycle. It's, basically your feet and your ankle, so that's like a quick lesson for today, so that's like it from today's episode. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you guys did please don't forget to smash the thumbs up button and if you guys, aren't a part of the family.

Yet please don't forget to subscribe, and I'm gonna catch. You guys very soon in another episode, but before that, if you guys haven't seen the k2 then stay which is going to be an upcoming hostel and the Kashmir region for bikers backpackers or travelers, who have a limited budget to travel.