



Goals and Motivations 

Immersive Experience: Create an interaction game that provides players with a highly immersive and captivating experience, allowing them to feel completely transported to another world.

Engaging Gameplay: Design gameplay mechanics that leverage the unique capabilities of MR, offering players an interactive and engaging experience that goes beyond traditional gaming.

Innovative Interaction: Explore innovative ways for players to interact with the virtual environment, focusing on intuitive controls and realistic interactions to enhance the sense of presence in the game.



Achieving accurate and reliable motion tracking is critical. Ensuring that the motion detector can precisely capture the player's movements in real-time without lag or inaccuracies is a key challenge.

Users may have different physical characteristics and play environments. Designing a calibration process that adapts to individual users and accounts for various play spaces is essential for an optimal gaming experience.

Minimizing the latency between the player's physical movement and the in-game response is crucial for maintaining immersion. High latency can lead to a disconnect between the player's actions and the game's reaction.

As with any unique control scheme, gathering extensive feedback from players during the testing phase is vital. Identifying and addressing any issues related to motion control through playtesting can significantly improve the overall experience.

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Last Edited Jan 15, 2024