

This page will guide you through how to install Playnite-Shell and getting going using the program.

To begin before installing please check the following:

It is recommended to setup a second PC account with Playnite installed as portable to C:\Playnite\ to prevent any issues on your main account and setting Playnite to portable will let you use the same setup across accounts.

Once the above requirements have been met you can proceed to open the installer (Do not run the installer as admin). The installer will handle the following things:

The installer will bring a terminal window up asking you to set the location for certain things, below is a example of each:

The terminal window will auto close it self once complete and you can go back to continue the Playnite-Shell installer through to the last page.

Playnite-Shell is now installed and will start next time you login to the account. To change where Playnite-Shell looks for Playnite, FFMPEG and your Splash video you can use the Playnite-Shell Settings program in C:\Playnite-Shell\

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