Facebook Post Template
[Insert as appropriate or add your own text: As a [parent/carer/grandparent], I need to know that my MP will fight for the urgent action needed to clean up our air and save our children's lungs. To this end, I am asking you to make the following pledge:
If elected, I pledge to push for urgent and ambitious action to protect young lungs from illegal and harmful air pollution. This needs to happen through:
Urgent action to protect our children's health by tackling dirty air where they live, learn and play.
Getting the most polluting vehicles out of our towns and cities quickly through Clean Air Zones and providing practical help and support for people and businesses to move on to cleaner forms of transport.
Adopting ambitious new clean air laws that include a binding commitment to meet World Health Organization guideline levels for particulate matter pollution by 2030.
This is one of the issues that will determine who I vote for on [Specify the election date]. I look forward to your confirmation that you will make the above pledge to ensure children in [insert name of constituency] can breathe cleaner air where they live, learn, and play.