Our Recent Events

Magic Masters Game vs Oakland Magic

We had a great turnout when the Oakland Dream Team aks Oakland Magic played against the Harlem Magic Masters. We thank all our sponsors, players and those who watched the game! Over $2,000 was raised.

Santa Social

A fund time was had by all on Saturday, December 14th. Oakland children got to make their own ice cream sundaes with plenty of toppings to choose from. There were crafts, games, dance routines and a visit with Santa with a special gift for each child. This event is held each year together with the Oakland Newcomers & Neighbors Club.

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Pack 49 helped sort all the food we collected. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Pumpkin Painting

We held our annual pumpkin painting event on October 20th at the Danny D building. Thanks to our Committee Chairperson Jill Oberoi and all who helped and attended the event.

Pumpkin Painting 2019_Mother's Club of Oakland_Final.pdf