Mindful Moments for Moms

In addition to the infographic, video, and education station, I created Mindful Moments for Moms, which is a compilation of suggestions for alleviating the stress of being a new mother by taking a few minutes for yourself each day.

Tip #1: Journal

Writing down your thoughts and feelings is a great stress relief tool! Invest in a cute journal, such as this one!

Tip #2: Meditate or do yoga

Check out the schedule at your local yoga studio or download an app such as Headspace or Calm, and take a deep breath.

Tip #3: Take a walk outside

According to theactivetimes.com, being in nature can "help rejuvenate the mind after an overwhelming day.

Tip #4: Take a break from social media

"Comparison is the thief of joy" (Theodore Roosevelt). It's hard not to compare yourself to the idealized versions that people present on social media. Try to put down your phone, and spend some of your limited time on self care instead.