Getting There

UQAM within Montréal

UQAM is located right by the Berri-UQAM metro station at the crossroads between the orange, green and yellow lines.

Pavillon J.-A.-DeSève

320, rue Sainte-Catherine Est

Montréal, QC, H2X 1L7


J.-A.-Desève (DS) within UQAM

You can access the J.-A.-DeSève building by the underground tunnels from the Berri-UQAM metro station. Exit the station through UQAM's revolving doors and follow indications toward the DS building, which is about a four-minute walk. Here's a map of underground accesses, with the DS highlighted by the orange ellipsis.

Rooms DS-R520 (Friday) and DS-R340 (Saturday) are both on the ground level. The linguistics department is located on floors 3 and 4.

Photo credit: Photo UQAM