
Upcoming Talks

Fall 2024 speakers TBA–Check back soon! 

Past Talks

Dr. Arie Kruglanksi

Distinguished Professor of Psychology

University of Maryland

My Life at the Motivation-Cognition Interface: A Tale of Two Journeys

Tuesday, June 27th, 2023

11:00 (EDT, New York)

16:00 (BSR, London)

17:00 (CEST, Zurich)

Click here to watch this talk on Youtube! 

Dr. Julia Spaniol

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Aging

Toronto Metropolitan University

Age Differences in Drivers and Consequences of Epistemic Curiosity

Tuesday, September 26th, 2023

11:00 (EDT, New York)

16:00 (BSR, London)

17:00 (CEST, Zurich)

Dr. Ruud Custers

Associate Professor of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Psychology, and Social, Health, & Organisational Psychology

Utrecht University 

Thoughts about Actions and Outcomes (And What They Lead To)

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

11:00 (EDT, New York)

16:00 (BSR, London)

17:00 (CEST, Zurich)

Dr. Todd Braver

Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Radiology, and Neuroscience

Washington University in St. Louis

Interactions of Motivation & Cognitive Control

Thursday, November 30th, 2023

11:00 (EDT, New York)

16:00 (BSR, London)

17:00 (CEST, Zurich)

Dr. Andrew Westbrook

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Rutgers University 

What Criticality Tells Us About Brain Maturation, Excitation-Inhibition Balance, and Cognitive Effort

Wednesday, February 28th, 2024

11:00 (EDT, New York)

16:00 (BSR, London)

17:00 (CEST, Zurich)

Click here to watch this talk on Youtube!

Dr. Abigail Scholer

Batten Family Bicentennial Distinguished Leadership Professor of Public Policy

University of Virginia 

The Role of Metamotivation in Regulating Ourselves and Others

Monday, May 13th, 2024

11:00 (EDT, New York)

16:00 (BSR, London)

17:00 (CEST, Zurich)

Dr. Holly Bowen 

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Southern Methodist University

Reward-Motivated Memory in Younger and Older Adults

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

11:00 (EDT, New York)

16:00 (BSR, London)

17:00 (CEST, Zurich)

Click here to watch this talk on Youtube!

Dr. Alexandra Cohen

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Emory University

Motivated Learning and Memory Processes Across Development

Monday, July 8th, 2024

11:00 (EDT, New York)

16:00 (BSR, London)

17:00 (CEST, Zurich)

Click here to watch this talk on Youtube!