Lesson Set 6: Make your own Time Capsule

Time Capsule Project Options

In the children’s opera The Very Last Green Thing the children of the future discover a hidden time capsule under a pile of rusted and decaying artifacts. As they discover important aspects and cultural milestones of the past, they are reminded of their significance. In this lesson, children will be asked to create their very own time capsule and explain the reasons for their choices. Please select the time capsule idea that best fits your classroom needs! By downloading these lessons, these google forms and pdfs may be added to the learning platform of your choice or shared directly with your students. By clicking "What students will see" you will be able to preview the materials prior to downloading them.

This time capsule is in the format of a printed packet that could be completed at home. It is designed to incorporate an appreciation for music and nature as well as to make personal connections to the characters in the opera.

This document provides students with instructions to create their own physical time capsule that they might present in person, with pictures, or with video. It includes a rubric for evaluation of their product as well as directions on how to press a plant (their own "green thing") to include in their time capsule.

This link will allow you to download a pdf of Jessica Turner's Corona Virus Time Capsule which can also be found on her website: Themomcreative.com.

This resource allows students to create a time capsule that is specific to a specific time period in history. They could also use the template to write about themselves. The digital format is excellent for googleclassroom.

This google form allows students to upload content to their own digital time capsule. By downloading the form you will able to assign it to students on the learning platform of your choice.