
Research Interest


   Soykoth, M.W., Sim, W., and Frederick, S. (2024) “Research Trends in Market Intelligence: A Review through Data-Driven Quantitative Approach,” Journal of Marketing Analytics [DOI: 10.1057/s41270-023-00285-9] [Research based on MBA Work]

   Azim, S. M. F., Rahman, S.M., Alam, N., Sultana, T., Soykoth, M.W., & Avik, S.C., (2024), “Engaging Customers Towards Mobile Application Brand Attachment and Advocacy: Multigroup Analysis of Generational Differences” Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 26(3): 39-65 [Research based on MBA Work] 

   Soykoth M.W., Rahaman M.M., Hossain M.A. and Alam J.M. (2022) “Green Supply Chain and Customer Satisfaction in Modern Retailing: A Dual-Perception Analysis with SEM Approach,” International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 15(1), pp 381-409 [DOI: 10.1504/IJISM.2022.125990 ] [Research based on MBA Work]

Conference Presentations

Alam N., Singh R., Soykoth M.W., Sultana T., and Azim S.M.F., “Impacting Online Customers’ Post-Privacy Breach Behavior - A Relationship Marketing Approach”. Presented at the Annual Academy of Marketing Science Conference (AMS), New Orleans, LA, May 2023

Azim S.M.F., Rahman S.M., Alam N., Soykoth, M.W., and Sultana T., “Investigating the Role of Mobile Service Quality on Customer Engagement among Mobile Banking Application Users”. Presented at the Annual Academy of Marketing Science Conference (AMS), New Orleans, LA, May 2023

Soykoth, M.W. & Alam N (2023), “Social Media Marketing in The Context of Pre-and Post-Privacy Breach Attitude: An Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis,” Abstract presented at the Annual Southwest Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI) Conference, Houston, TX, March 2023 

Soykoth, M.W. (2022), “Marketing Intelligence: A Bibliometric Network and Content Analysis,” Proceedings of the Annual Southwest Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI), New Orleans, LA, March 2022 

Lu, T., Zhou J., Yu J., and Soykoth M.W. (2022), “The Effect of Fancy Brand Names on Young Consumers' Perception of Products,” Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of The Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators (ACME). 

Kim Y., Zhou J X., Soykoth M. W. and Yu J. (2022), “Management Styles, AI, Marketing Strategies: A Comparison of Korean and American Businesses,” Marketing Management Association Annual (MMA) Conference Proceedings, 60–62.

Media Articles

Soykoth, M.W. (2022) ‘Year-round Training for Athletes- A Multifaceted Discussion’, Available at: [A task during my internship at StudioE]

   Graduate Research Assistant

   E. J. Ourso College of Business, Louisiana State University                                                                                      

Dr. Viktor Jarotschkin, Fall 2023, Spring 2023

· Literature review, Data collection- Excel coding

·     Topic Modeling, using Python Gensim and R


   Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (2017-2019)

   Supervisor: Dr. Mohammad Mizenur Rahaman

      • Collected and analyzed data, performed literature review, prepared interview questions, prepared progress report, and assisted in finalizing the project reports

     Research Training and Workshop

Relevant Courses

Technical Skills

Research: IBM SPSS Amos, SPSS, Stata, RapidMiner, R, Python, VOSviewer, R biblioshiny, Qualtrics

Analytics: Tableau, Planners Lab, Project Libre, AWS, Microsoft office- Excel QM, Excel Solver, Simulation

Computer Language: Programming with C, SQL, Python, HTML

Fellowships and Grants 



💲 Grants for presenting research at American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer, Boston, Massachusetts, August 2024

💲 Grants for presenting research at the Annual Academy of Marketing Science Conference (AMS), Carol Gables, Florida, May 2024

💲 Grants for presenting research at the Annual Academy of Marketing Science Conference (AMS), New Orleans, LA, May 2023

💲  Grants for presenting research at the Annual Southwest Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI) Conference, Houston, TX, March 2023”

💲Multiple grants for presenting research at conferences, including SWDSI, Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators (ACME), and Marketing Management Association Spring (MMA Spring), 2022-2023 

Voluntary Services

Reviewer (Ad hoc)


Journal of Marketing Analytics


Annual Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Conference, New Orleans, LA 2023                                                        

Annual Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators (ACME), Houston, TX 2023                                                      

Annual Marketing Management Association (MMA) Spring Conference, Saint Louis, MO 2022         

Judge  (Ad hoc) 

Graduate Research Conference (GRC), Louisiana State University, 2024 


Southeast Marketing Symposium (SMS) at LSU, 2024