Extended lore

Why are Moshi Moshi's sound so romantized?

They never where like this. before it was the people who killed themselves that were bitters and sweet and normal Moshi didn't exist at the time as those people weren't even demons, they were angels. this all changed when one bitter Moshi was too bitter.

Fernando (nickname: Minor) a 19-year-old male, was suffering from depression and terrible mental health had two friends called Victor and Oliver. Oliver was a kindhearted man while victor was an anxious Nilly and was madly in love with Oliver. Oliver stopped being friends with minor after minor's mental breakdown that causes to trigger Oliver. after Olivers leaves the friend group, minor kills himself.

Minor was turned into a bitter Moshi and hated the torture he was given; minor decides to do something about it. minor pays a visit to the god of Moshi's (The first Moshi/Vermon) and kills him. after gaining Vermon's power his body began to decay his body couldn't handle Vermon's power, he uses wings to cover his decaying, rotting looking body.

after the death of Vermon and minor gaining his power, he decides to pay a visit to an old friend, but it's more of a revenge then a visit. Vermon goes to the human world and stabs Oliver with a scythe, Olivers ribcage ripped out of his body causing him to die. Vermon drags Oliver to hell and experiments on him, after a while, Minor finds a way to make Oliver into a Moshi, A bitter Moshi, Oliver was pronounced the first Bitter Moshi to exist, Oliver was given a scythe tail he uses to stab people (People who didn't want to die) in the purgatory and drags them to hell and makes them into bitters.


Died at the age of 21, 8/3/1706 17:42:37.72

Gender: Male

Cause of death: Ribs pulled out of body by a scythe

Occupation: Farmer (wanted to be a doctor)


Original hair color: Black

After Oliver's Death Victor went into a deep depression, causing him to kill himself. Due to Victor not leaving him as a friend after Oliver left, he was given a chance Victor was turned into a sweet Moshi and stabs the victim with his tail like a scorpion. despite Victor's clingy and annoying behavior, he was able to ask Oliver out on a date.


Died at age of 20, 3/5/1707 20:10:34.43

Gender: Male

Cause of death: Hanged

Occupation: Store owner (Candles)


Original hair color: Dark Brown

Nickname/New name: Saccharine/Sachie