English 324 Portfolio: Moshabar Ali

Hello, my name is Moshabar Ali. I am a study at North Dakota University, studying sociology. This is my portfolio for Writing in the Sciences course, English 324. This site was created to display all the writing assignments I completed during the spring 2017 semester at NDSU. It showcases the development of my writing, and my research and communication skills throughout the semester.

Objectives of Writing in the Sciences:

  • General Education Objective 1: To learn effective communication skills developed through various writing genres.
  • General Education Objective 2: To develop ideas in a coherent and meaningful manner. To integrate acquired knowledge into clear and concise writing documents.

This group of work was to test my research, design, and technical writing capabilities. The documents part of the job packet include a resume, cover letter, and thank you letter. Works also included in this unit are the resignation memo, and interview report.

This group of documents helped me develop and refine my research skills. Works included are proposal overview and memo, annotated bibliography and status reports.

This group of work enabled me to utilize my developed research skills to produce professional writing documents. This set of documents includes a conference abstract, public document, and presentation materials.

This is a reflection on the assignments I completed over the semester. It highlights my strengths, weakness, growth, and understanding of writing in the sciences.