Hello people. I would like to learn patterns in C# with some help like easy practices or something like that. I am not very much into designing stuff and these things are always getting asked by companies in interviews. I have 6 years experience, used C# most of the time. I just cant do these things. Any help? Thanks in advance.

Design patterns are solutions to commonly recurring problems. Design patterns are classified into Creational, Structural, and Behavioural types. 

Factory Method Design Pattern is a creational design pattern that means it deals with the creation of objects. It says that, define an interface for creating the object and let the subclasses decide which class to instantiate. 

Steps to implement Factory Method Design Pattern

1. Create an interface having an abstract method

2. Create implementation classes

3. Create a Factory that will decide which imp object will be created.

4. Test in the main method

So in this video, let's look at the detailed explanation of the Factory Method Design Pattern in Java.Factory Method Design Pattern: https:\/\/www.geeksforgeeks.org\/design-patterns-set-2-factory-method\/\",\"source\":\"https:\/\/videos.geeksforgeeks.org\/hls\/8a1535269b7226833cb7115c224535dfgfg-FactoryMethodDesignPatterninJava20221025122026.m3u8\",\"category\":[{\"term_id__id\":59,\"term_id__term_name\":\"Java\",\"term_id__term_type\":1,\"term_id__slug\":\"java-w6y5f4\"},{\"term_id__id\":250,\"term_id__term_name\":\"Core Java\",\"term_id__term_type\":2,\"term_id__slug\":\"core-java-hjkya1\"}],\"meta\":{\"thumbnail\":\"https:\/\/videocdn.geeksforgeeks.org\/geeksforgeeks\/FactoryMethodDesigninJava\/fACTORYmETHODdESIGNpATTERN20221026153443-small.png\",\"largeThumbnail\":\"https:\/\/videocdn.geeksforgeeks.org\/geeksforgeeks\/FactoryMethodDesigninJava\/fACTORYmETHODdESIGNpATTERN20221026153443.jpg\",\"likes\":0,\"views\":1560,\"isFeatured\":0,\"isPremium\":0,\"isPublic\":0,\"format\":\"video\/mp4\",\"revision\":{}},\"time\":\"26\/10\/2022\",\"subtitle\":\"https:\/\/videos.geeksforgeeks.org\/subtitles\/FactoryMethodDesignPatterninJava20221025122026.vtt\",\"duration\":1915,\"course_link\":null}]"); Video  Improve      Improve  Improve Like Article  Like Save Article  Save Report issue  Report $('#video-tab-main').show(); $('#courses-tab-main').show(); companyTagsArray = JSON.parse('[]'); categoryTagsArray = JSON.parse('[]'); The factory method is a creational design pattern, i.e., related to object creation. The Factory Method pattern is used to create objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created. This pattern is useful when you need to decouple the creation of an object from its implementation.

Mosh Hamedani Design Patterns Free Download

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