
Antti - Vox & Guitar

Jukka - Bass

Petri - Lead Guitar

Sami - Drums

Mosfite was originally formed under the name Auburn Heights. Jukka and Sami were playing in a cover band called Governor, and Antti joined it as a singer. Upon the band breaking up in 2019, Antti suggested that the trio continues and starts making original music, and asked the virtuoso guitarist Petri to join the group. Quickly the band made an EP of music that was originally more rock or even pop rock themed, but after the start started drifting towards harder rock and even metal elements with some progressive twists added, as Petri started bringing in more and more of his own song ideas.

With all members having been in various bands over a long time already, progress was quick and making music effortless - even so that we tend to have more new songs and ideas in the works than we'd even need.

Here's a Spotify playlist for Auburn Heights songs, many of which are still in rotation under the name Mosfite.

Some of Antti's previous bands and work