Media Highlights

Our paper on the star formation history of massive galaxies, published in The Astrophysical Journal in February 2021, was promoted to media by ASTRO3D and UNSW via a release. The story was covered widely in many media outlets including Phys Org, Cosmosquest, Spaceref, Newsbreak, Dailyadvent and many more!

Anshu Gupta was invited on the SpaceTime podcast to talk about this research. Click here to listen!

Our paper on the mass assembly history of massive galaxies, published in The Astrophysical Journal in April 2020, was promoted to media by ASTRO3D and UNSW via a release titled Hungry galaxies grow fat on the flesh of their neighbours. The story received wide media attention in outlets including Phys Org, Heritage Daily, Cosmos, NanoWerk, CNet, Mirage, Sci News, and IFLScience!

Click here for Anshu Gupta's interview on the SpaceTime Podcast by Stuart Gary!