Note, however, that abbreviations involving the letter h take their macron halfway up the ascending line rather than at the normal height for Unicode overlines and macrons: . This is separately encoded in Unicode with the symbols using bar diacritics and appears shorter than other overlines in many fonts.

Python provides a data structure called a dictionary which stores information in the form of key-value pairs which is very convenient for implementing a cipher such as a morse code. We can save the morse code chart in a dictionary where (key-value pairs) => (English Characters-Morse Code). The plaintext (English characters) takes the place of keys and the ciphertext (Morse code) forms the values of the corresponding keys. The values of keys can be accessed from the dictionary in the same way we access the values of an array through their index and vice versa.

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I am just starting to code a program that will read a text file one character at a time and play a wavĀ 

file from My.Resources. The resources wav files are the morse code dots and dashes for each letter.Ā 

The resource items are named a,b,c etc. Is there a way to access the resource items using a variableĀ 

name instead of the name given to each resource? I hope this makes sense.'

You are doing lots of conversions that I don't think are needed and can be much simpler. I've split it down into two methods one which is what you have tried to do - which I assume is play something like morse code wav's for each letter in the textbox and a 2nd function to simply verify the character is a alphabet character.

Here is the latest code and it is working for the letters in the array. I just need to add a short pause after each letter. Your information is working for me so far but I just have to add theĀ 

remaining letters, numbers and punctuation to the array. Also need to make an appropriate pause for between words.

Well thats pretty straightforward - adding more wav file resources for numbers and whitespace and then have methods to detect and play the appropriate sources. These will have different names than the character itself because it has to be a valid identifier. But the code for numbers and pauses between words should be something similar to

In order for you to see the Unicode characters such as , , ,Ā  and , or Chyrilic characters such as , , , , , , ,Ā  you need to tell the writer of the original document to use a font style that supports it, such as Arial Unicode MS.

Create a 3rd (and last) document. Gibberish word. Up top, you'll see your choice of font style and size are already there. Good. Now, as you Save this as Test 3, go that extra step farther down and switch back to 97-2003. Done. Now your future documents are .doc and using your preference of style and choice. Don't forget to Delete the Test documents.

3. Counting Dits and Dahs: Learning Morse code by counting Dits and Dahs is a terrible habit that is difficult to break. Counting is typically caused by learning Morse at 5 or 10 words per minute character speed. While some instructors endorse using the Farnsworth method, adding extra space between characters often leads to unintentional counting. And a long delay can allow a student to replay the sound pattern in their head. (Counting is directly related to Problems 7, 8, 9, and 12.)

6. Inability to copy behind: This problem is directly related to Problem 12. Until students or those with experience "break the pencil and toss out the paper" and learn to copy entire words by their distinct sound and rhythm, this problem will automatically become problem 5, 8, 9 and 10. And this problem must be broken to become proficient and use Morse code as a language.

7. Inability to distinguish spaces and timing: This problem is usually related to learning to copy at slow speed and copying individual letters versus words. Concerning sending, we can tune the bands most any day and hear poorly formed code. This sender is said to have a "bad fist."

Before we dive into these levels, it is helpful to understand that they are not used exclusively. It is not uncommon to shift back and forth. As an analogy, consider the act of breathing. It is nearly always under the control of the unconscious mind. But by drawing our focus to it, we may control it with our conscious mind. With enough experience, it is possible to shift our Morse code proficiency level to best match the context and speed of the code being copied. For example, a callsign must be copied character by character, while a word can be copied as a complete sound pattern.

At this basic proficiency level, the conscious mind is doing all of the work to decode and interpret the Morse code! And because the conscious mind is so much slower than the unconscious mind, you will be unable to go faster than 10 to 13 words a minute at this level.

QRQ is a lot like mastering a spoken language. Once learned, we focus on the meaning of what is being said and not explicitly on phonemes, individual words, and grammar. And so as our unconscious mind takes on the hard work of copying Morse code, we move from ICR (Instant Character Recognition) to IWR (Instant Word Recognition) and finally to focus on the meaning of what is being sent.

You will likely find longer words easier to copy in Morse code at higher speeds. In our experience, words that take longer than 2 seconds to send in Morse code are too long to consistently be perceived as a single sound pattern and copied with IWR. A good example is INFORMATION. At 30wpm, it takes 3.4 seconds to send. At 50wpm, it takes 2 seconds. As you work towards higher speeds, a larger proportion of words fit within this 2-second boundary so that you can more easily learn to copy their unique sound pattern using IWR.

Carefully draw out or compress the word to precisely match how they are sent in Morse code. And strive to hear each and every letter of the word(s) that you missed, which can sometimes be challenging! You may also find it helpful to visualize the word spelled out precisely matching how the timing of when each letter is sent.

The only thing I can really think of so far is to create two arrays to store both the users string and the morse code symbols. Apart from that I have no idea really. I struggle with iterations. I know how they work when I see them but i find it almost impossible too implement my own. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Well I'm not going to write some code for you but here is how it should work : you should know the matches between the characters and their equivalent in morse code. Then to translate the string, you may should take advantage of the ASCII table and do something like :

I think it's quite easy actually, but you have to understand the principle. You loop through the characters in the string entered by the user, then you find their equivalent in your morse array. The index of each more equivalent is equal to letter (actually the ASCII code of the letter) - 'a'.

OK you have two arrays, or just one. The most important array you should have is the one containing all the morse strings. I assume that each string has a matching alphabetical character, which means that the first character of your morse array should match the first character of the alphabet ("A"). Then one approach is to have another array containing all the letters of the alphabet, another one (the simpler approach I think) is to use the ASCII code : if the user enters "E", then you can calculate the index of the morse equivalent by subtracting the ASCII value of "A" to the ASCII value of "E". Does it make sense?

We had to do this for an assignment. I am not sure how familiar you are with data structures, but we had to use binary search trees to store the morse code and english equivalent. The contents of the search tree are ordered based on their english lettering order, so you simply search the tree until you match your english letter, then you return the morse code equivalent which is stored at the same node

How can we achieve this? This is where the neural network comes into play. I trained word embeddings (real-valued vector representations of what they mean) for all the tokens we learned via SentencePiece, for using them as references when assigning symbols to tokens. We trained a SkipGram model using fasttext on a larger corpus (a 1/10th sample of OpenWebText2, which has approximately 2.5 billion words) and ran agglomerative clustering to learn a dendrogram, which we then converted to binary sequences representing how words are branched from the root. By sorting tokens by those binary codes, we get this beautiful list of tokens sorted and arranged by their meanings: e24fc04721

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