This tool converts your typed text into audio Morse code. It will generate a downloadable audio file (in .wav format) to allow you to hear the result, along with displaying the dots and dashes (dits and dahs) as well. To use this tool, type in the text you to like convert to Morse code below and click the Convert to Morse Code button. A link to your downloadable file will then be provided below. With this converter tool, you also have the option to adjust the speed and frequency of how you like to generate the audible Morse code.

You may download and use the audible Morse code files for personal, business, or educational purposes, provided you include a publicly accessible and clickable link to this page with your use. Please read our Terms of Use on warranty information.

Morse Code Audio Download


Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off audible tones or light pulse. There are two different signal durations called dots and dashes (or dits and dahs). The International Morse Code standardize each number and letters of the alphabet with a unique sequence of dots and dashes.

Morse code was used in the 1890s as a form of radio communication before it was possible to transmit voice. It eventually became a primary means of communication during World War II by various countries for sending messages about enemies activities. Today, most militaries have stopped using Morse code. However, it is still commonly used in aviation as a way to identify navigational stations and among amateur radio operators to identify radio repeaters.

I am currently exploring the world of Morse code and would like to learn how to generate Morse code audio from text using Audacity software. I believe Audacity is a versatile audio editing tool that can assist in this task.

Audacity is a complete audio editing software and system, but Morse code is an entirely different thing.

In my opinion, you can generate audio from your text through any Morse code translator/converter like 

After conversion simply download the audio file and use it in your Audacity project.

This is an experimental tool for listening to, analysing and decoding International Morse code all done in Javascript using the Web Audio API. I know it works in the latest Chrome and Firefox browsers on Windows, it might work in Safari and it just can't work in Internet Explorer. No information from the microphone is transmitted to the server, but the connection to the server is encrypted nonetheless.

The decoder will analyse sound coming from the microphone or from an audio file. The spectrogram of the sound is shown in the main graph along with a pink region showing the frequency being analysed. If the volume in the chosen frequency is louder than the "Volume threshold" then it is treated as being part of a dit or dah, and otherwise it records a gap (this is shown in the lower graph that looks like a barcode). From these timings it determines if something is a dit, dah, or a sort of space and then converts it into a letter shown in the message box.

In fully automatic mode, the decoder selects the loudest frequency and adjusts the Morse code speed to fit the data. If you want to fix the frequency or speed then click on the "Manual" checkboxes and type in your chosen values. The frequency can only be certain values and the closest allowed value will be chosen.

So what's the best way to play a simple generated morse code in .NET (WinForms), without needing any external files, and without any 3rd party libraries? I only want to use the CLR, with no needless dependencies. C# or VB.NET code is welcome. I'm multilingual. ;P

I found half the help online at other sites, and about half i figured out how to do myself. Here's an almost ideal solution to what i needed:1: Create a MemoryStream,2: Write bytes for a WAV file to the MemoryStream (which will never get saved to disk, but will be played as if it were from a WAV file),3: Seek to the beginning of the MemoryStream,4: Play the MemoryStream with System.Media.SoundPlayer(memoryStream).Play().That's it. The most difficult part of that is creating the WAV-formatted byte stream... unless you just copy the code from someone like me. :PHere's a .NET method that will play the sound with no external DLL's or anything external to .NET:

Writing each word out in Morse code is pretty rough, though. We can write a translation layer to translate from a string (anything from a letter to a sentence) to the Morse code representation, starting with a map of letter to Morse:

I recently gave a robot the ability to 'speak' Morse code using a small RedBot buzzer. In Morse code, the ratios between dot, dash, and spacing intervals are very critical, as it is these ratios that allow the human brain and/or Morse processing programs to correctly interpret the sound sequences.

When trying to implement this capability, I ran into problems trying to use the Arduino tone(pin, freq, duration) function. It appears that the actual duration of the output from the tone() is very much different than the desired time, resulting in completely unreadable Morse code. In the end, I wound up using tone(), delay(), and noTone() to implement the Morse code audio sequences, and this worked nicely (except that this implementation blocks during the delay period).

In the code below, all but the NewTone() implementation is commented out. To generate the other two samples, all I did was uncomment the appropriate line(s) and comment out the rest. I have attached a ZIP file containing three .WMV files to illustrate the differences between using the tone(pin, freq, duration) non-blocking overload and the tone(pin, freq)/delay(duration)/noTone(pin) implementations.

This set includes two audio CDs (for your audio/music CD player) with nearly 2-1/2 hours of practice. Learn the Morse code at 5 words-per-minute. Follow the proven ARRL Morse code teaching system. Includes 2 audio CDs and instruction booklet.

I hate to ask this question in public, but I have given up trying to find the answer in my documentation. Plus, I never had this problem until I had to reinstall my T7 last week. My question is this? How do I turn off the ILS freq identification morse code audio? It is driving me crazy listening to it. As soon as I press APP, I get it. I have looked every where I can think of in the manuals, the FMC set up and the audio panels with no luck. If anyone can point me in the right direction here, I would be great ful. Thanks, Mike Nicholson

In the bottom right corner of the Audio Control Panel is a switch to select the APP audio source. You can select L, C, R or MKR. Just to the left of that switch is a light that should NOT be illuminated if you don't want to hear the audio. If it is, click on the volume knob to the left of the light to turn off the audio. For reference the area I am talking about is labeled "9" in the illustration on page 343 of PMDG-777-FCOMv2.pdf

John, I really appreciate your answer. I am aware of the settings you set forth above. I guess over the years, I just got used to hearing the marker beacons and have always sort of viewed them as my safety blanket. This was especially true in years ago, with no FMC, and the marker beacon only had blinking lights and these were not really in your direct scan during an approach. I have not had time this morning to fly the T7 but it really seems that I had the audio light lit and would hear the marker beacons, but not the freg morse code identifiers. My PMDG 447, 737NGX and J4100 all allow an approach with just the marker beacons sounding off. I do thank you and am going to continue to play with this. Mike

Still not working, unfortunately, after I tried what you suggested. I can hear NAV 2 VOR morse code ID audio just fine with the standard CDI and NAV 2 on. But nothing for the Garmin 530 VOR 1 with NAV 1 on, and volume up.

I tried your steps to get it to work, but I still only get audio from NAV 2. I tried other locations where the VOR is located at the airport, but still no audio from NAV 1. The NAV 1 audio volume knob on the Garmin 530 looks like it's turned all the way down and there's no way to turn it up since the knob is rendered inactive (non-selectable), if this is the case.

Thank you for the details. I started a flight there at KGRR on runway 8R and tuned the VIO (115.95) into the GNS 530 and was able to hear the morse code just fine when I activated the Nav1 button on the audio panel.

Can you check (using Data Ref Editor or Dataref Tool) the value of "sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/audio_volume_nav1"? You'll want it set to "1". X-Plane's GNS 530 pop-up doesn't have a clickspot for the Nav 1 volume, so it's possible that somehow got set to 0?

Ok, I used the DataRef Tool and that worked, but how do I get it to save the value, it resets back to "0" whenever I reload the aircraft. I searched for "sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/audio_volume_nav1" in the manifest.json file and it showed these two values set to "0". e24fc04721

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