About me

I first trained in a Fine Arts section (France)... and after that in STEM Education/Ethnomathematics/Special Needs and in Bioengineering (North America: Ontario, Quebec, Silicon Valley). I was able to carry out numerous experiments in microbiology on plants, as well on bacteria or yeasts (transfer of genes from species to another, hybridization, cloning, DNA extraction and sequencing, waking up  NASA seeds asleep for almost 40 years, etc.)... but also to design math methods for dyscalculic students.

Wishing to go further, I specialized in Quantum Biology (France) and in particular how to build living things and DNA from subatomic particles (physics and chemistry); then about transfers of protons and electrons in biological medium, and on the effects of neutron physics on DNA modifications (Switzerland and France), in particular on plants and astronauts (nuclear physics and radioprotection with internship to the CERN).

The Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History course on plant morphology with Susannah Graedel allowed me to develop my sense of observation, and to better understand the English technical terms used in botany.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scientificbookbinder

Etsy (original drawings to sale): https://www.etsy.com/fr/shop/VictoriaQuantumLand

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