論文など (Research Papers)

出版済み、あるいは出版予定 (Published or Accepted papers)

① Relative quasimorphisms and stably unbounded norms on the group of symplectomorphisms of the Euclidean spaces, J. Symplectic Geom. 14 (2016), no. 1, 297--304.

② Bavard's duality theorem on conjugation-invariant norms, Pacific J. Math. 288 (2017), no. 1, 157--170.

③ Computation of annular capacity by Hamiltonian Floer theory of non-contractible periodic trajectories (joint work with Ryuma Orita), J. Mod. Dyn. 11 (2017), 313--339.

④ Extension problem of subset-controlled quasimorphisms, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 5 (2018), 1--5.

⑤ Fragmented Hofer's geometry, Internat. J. Math. 29 (2018), no. 13, 1850097, 12 pp.

⑥ Superheavy Lagrangian immersions in surfaces, J. Symplectic Geom. 17 (2019), no. 1, 239--249.

⑦ Disjoint superheavy subsets and fragmentation norms (joint work with Ryuma Orita), J. Topol. Anal. 13 (2021), no. 2, 443--468.

⑧  Existence of pseudo-heavy fibers of moment maps (joint work with Ryuma Orita),  Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (2021), no. 5, Paper No. 2050047, 19 pp

⑨ \hat{G}-invariant quasimorphisms and symplectic geometry of surfaces  (joint work with Mitsuaki Kimura), Israel J. Math. 247 (2022), no. 2, 845--871.

Rigid fibers of integrable systems on cotangent bundles(joint work with Ryuma Orita),  J. Math. Soc. Japan 74 (2022), no. 3, 829--847. 

⑪Bavard's duality theorem for mixed commutator length (joint work with Mitsuaki Kimura, Takahiro Matsushita, Masato Mimura), Enseign. Math. 68 (2022), no. 3-4, 441--481.

⑫Mixed commutator lengths, wreath products and general ranks (joint work with Mitsuaki Kimura, Shuhei Maruyama, Takahiro Matsushita, Masato Mimura), to appear in Kodai Mathematical Journal.

⑬Commuting symplectomorphisms on a surface and the flux homomorphism (joint work with Mitsuaki Kimura, Takahiro Matsushita, Masato Mimura), arXiv:2102.12161, to appear in Geom. Funct. Anal.

⑭On boundedness of characteristic class via quasi-morphism (joint work with Shuhei Maruyama), arXiv:2012.10612, to appear in J. Topol. Anal..

プレプリント (Preprints)

① Heavy subsets and non-contractible trajectories, arxiv:1606.01964.

②  Function theoretical applications of Lagrangian spectral invariants, arXiv:1811.00527.

The space of non-extendable quasimorphisms (joint work with Mitsuaki Kimura, Shuhei Maruyama, Takahiro Matsushita, Masato Mimura), arXiv:2107.08571.

Survey on invariant quasimorphisms and stable mixed commutator length (joint work with Mitsuaki Kimura, Shuhei Maruyama, Takahiro Matsushita, Masato Mimura), arXiv:2212.11180.


① Application of fragmentation norms to transported points by Hamiltonian isotopies (joint work with Ryuma Orita), RIMS Kokyuroku 2098 (2018), 57--59.