Professional Activities

Conferences, Presentations, & Panels

Instructor Resource Development

Created numerous online Decision Point Activities to accompany Stevenson and Wolfers' Principles of Microeconomics (second edition, ©2023).

Created official 'Instructor Resources: Lecture Slides' for Stevenson and Wolfers' Principles of Microeconomics (second edition, ©2023)

Created official 'Instructor Resources: Lecture Slides' for Stevenson and Wolfers' Principles of Macroeconomics (second edition, ©2023)

Publications & Working Papers

Journal of Human Capital, 17(4): 503–556, 2023 (with Michael Kaganovich and Ruli Xiao )
Publication Link

Weaker retention of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is well documented, particularly in response to low grades. We explore mechanisms underlying gender gaps in persistence across the spectrum of fields using an Indiana University dataset. We decompose these gaps into components attributable to student taste for field and the importance attached to grades there. We find that women’s weaker preference for field is predominantly responsible for their weaker persistence. STEM-starting women are less averse to low grades than are men but have weaker taste for STEM, resulting in lower retention. Relaxation of grading standards in STEM will have little effect on women’s inferior retention.

Working Papers:

Exploring Undergraduate Dropouts: Male versus Female Modes of Attrition across Academic Disciplines 

With Michael Kaganovich and Ruli Xiao