Research Area

Topological phases of matter

A topological phase is a phase of matter that is characterized by its topology, or the geometric properties that are preserved under continuous deformations of the system. These phases exhibit robust and quantized properties that are resistant to local perturbations or defects, and arise due to the non-trivial topology of the material's band structure. Topological phases have attracted a lot of attention in recent years due to their potential applications in quantum computing, as they offer a pathway to robust and fault-tolerant quantum information processing.

Recommended Papers

      Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 216803 (2019)  (editor’s suggestion)

Nature Reviews Physics 1, 700 (2019)

Correlated Quantum materials: Superconductivity & Magnetism

Correlated electrons refer to electrons that strongly interact with each other, leading to a wide range of fascinating phenomena in condensed matter physics, such as high-temperature superconductivity. Understanding the behavior of correlated electrons can lead to the discovery of new materials with novel properties. Moreover, the study of correlated electrons is also relevant to fundamental questions in physics, such as the nature of phase transitions and the emergence of collective behavior in complex systems. Therefore, the investigation of correlated electrons is a vibrant field of research that has the potential to drive technological innovation and deepen our understanding of the physical world. 

Recommended Papers

       Nano Letters 23, 13 6088 (2023

       npj Quantum materials 5, 41 (2020) 

Nature Communications 9, 3478 (2018) 

Topological order & Entanglement, Quantum Transport

Topological order and entanglement are important concepts in quantum physics that have been extensively studied in recent years due to their potential applications in quantum information processing and the fundamental insights they provide into the nature of quantum mechanics. Entanglement is a phenomenon that arises when two or more quantum systems become highly correlated, leading to non-local effects that cannot be explained by classical physics. Understanding the nature and properties of entanglement is crucial for the development of quantum communication protocols, such as quantum teleportation and quantum key distribution. 

Recommended Papers

       Carbon 174 (2021).

     Phys. Rev. B, 98, 184514 (2018).  

Novel Topological Devices

Topological device engineering refers to the process of designing and fabricating devices based on topological materials, with the goal of harnessing their unique electronic properties for technological applications. This field of research is motivated by the potential of topological materials to exhibit robust and quantized electronic properties that are insensitive to disorder and other perturbations, making them promising candidates for the development of next-generation electronics and quantum technologies. Examples of topological devices that have been proposed or demonstrated include topological insulator-based field-effect transistors, topological superconductor-based qubits for quantum computing, and topological photonic crystals for the manipulation of light at the nanoscale. The development of topological device engineering is a rapidly growing field that is expected to have a significant impact on the future of electronics and quantum technologies. 

Recommended Papers

      Light: Science & Applications 11, 289 (2022) (IF: 20.26)

      물리학과 첨단기술 : 새로운 연구결과 소개

IEEE Electron Device Letters, (2017). (listed on the cover).

     Light: Science & Applications 12, 106 (2023) (IF: 20.26)
