I was reading Discourse on the Beyond again by Sant Baba Waryam Singh in which Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji (Rare Wale) mentions a jugti for jaaping Mool Mantar which can be obtained from Sants. Does anyone now any techniques for this? I assume it something along the lines of swas swas simran or chakras. There are loads of techniques out there for Waheguru simran but I have never come across something for the mool mantar.

Not in any intense way. Only completed seva lakh mool mantars but not in a fixed time frame. Daily average at the time varied between 500-1000 japs/day and think I even missed out a day here and there. Most of my japs were done on my way to work so wasnt even doing them with full dhyan or seated. Back then I never knew about doing in dhyan , it was more about doing numbers. Faster and quicker was the goal. How naive.

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A mahapursh once gave me a shabad to do with very strict protocols, but by that time I had transitioned to Gurmantar jaap. So it felt like I was going backward so I never did it. Nowadays I have no desire to do any other shabads or paaths although do try and read SGGS whenever I can just to keep me motivated. Anytime I remember it's always back to Gurmantar.

Anyway, I've done the 10,000 mool mantar japs in 10 days on quite a few occasions. I always did them with strict discipline and 1000plus malas in one sitting per day. In those days, I was also nave and probably didn't give full dhyian.and focused on numbers,.... but I passed all the exams every time and it definitely helped increase my faith.

I have heard a lot of gursikhs , sants doing the sava lakh jaap of mool mantar or asking their shardaloo to do it . i have heard people achieve great power after doing this . and there are also some maryada , or rules acc. to which you have to do the path , which i m unaware of .

Simply saying Waheguru is not simran - everyone says Waheguru. You need to do paath in the right environment for real simran and abhyaas to start. Mool mantr is the highest mantar - sava lakh jaap of mool mantar wil bring huge fal - I believe it enables you to see the difference between true/false in everything you do so that you can act through anbhav - and then real simran can start.

Some consider the Mool mantar to be upto the text 'Nanak hosi bhi sach' as this appears only once in the beginning of the holy Granth while the "Manglaachran mantra" upto 'saibhng Gurparsad' appears 33 times in Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

As with everything, practice makes perfect. A mala is hard to start using as you sometimes forget to turn the bead or find you have turned too many and not done the path. This happens when you are tired and not concentrating. What helps if first you get the mool mantra rhythm without mala. Then when using mala train your mind and fingers to only go tothe next bead when you come to saying ik... one bead one God.

Im a college going 18 years old girl. I am a sikh girl and my boyfriend is one year elder to me in same college. He is from rajasthan and is marwari. i love him alot but yesterday he broke up with me saying we have no future and his mother wont accept me becuase im not a marwari. i did mool mantra jap and asked guru nanak dev ji to give him back to me. thank god he returned him back to me. but my boyfriend said fine we will patch up but we have no future. but i believe in mool mantra jaap. please help me out. if i do this jap daily 108 times, will it help me? will god allow his mother to accept me? i really love him and can not let him go. please help me out soon. waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh. 006ab0faaa

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