What We Do

  • Locally Monthly:

Prepare and serve dinner to guests of the New London Homeless Hospitality Center.

Deliver food boxes for Social Services to individuals in the community that are in need.

Maintain three Little Free Libraries.

  • Locally Annually:

Deliver Holiday food boxes in November and December to residents in need in the town of Montville.

Provide dictionaries to every 3rd grade student in the town of Montville.

Provide scholarships to graduating Montville students.

Recognize outstanding students at each of the Montville schools.

Recognize Montville's Teacher of the Year and our local Serviceperson of the Month.

Provide, cook and serve food to participants of Relay for Life in Norwich, for 24 hours.

Host a Holiday Dinner Dance for the Disabled Citizens of Southeastern CT.

Brighten the Holiday season by adopting a family in need in the community.

Adopt - A - Road by cleaning 5 miles of Old Colchester Rd from Salem Line to Chesterfield Rd.

  • Globally:

Polio Plus -together with our partners we have nearly eradicated Polio worldwide. Currently there are only three countries that have reported cases of Polio.

End Hunger -together with local Rotary Clubs we packaged over 8000 meals to be distributed in our region.

Chikumbuso -sponsoring a child’s education through an amazing project developed to help women and orphaned children in Zambia, Africa.

Clean water, food and educational tools for people in need in emerging countries.



Teacher of the Year

2018 - 2019


Outstanding Students