Fratelli Tutti

Pope Francis’s new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, is a powerful call to action to create a world based on solidarity and friendship. At a time of so much uncertainty and fear, it reminds us to always work together and protect the most vulnerable. (Trócaire)

The full text of Fratelli Tutti can be read here

And overview of the Encyclical can be read below


When a picture is worth a 1000 words we can offer the following graphics that help to give a quick guide to the new encyclical.

The Following graphics offer a greater insight into the themes of the new Encyclical

10 references of Laudato Si’ in Fratelli Tutti:

Everything is connected.

From the Global Catholic Climate Movement

More here

The Themes in Fratelli Tutti explored

On Monday, October 5, Georgetown University’s Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life hosted a virtual Dahlgren Dialogue on the themes of the encyclical and Pope Francis’ call to recognize that we are all brothers and sisters at a time of a global pandemic, economic crises, and a United States presidential election. October 5th 2020