December 2020

Where Presentation are involved

New Directions was set up in 2018 by Sr Imelda Wickham PBVM, a former Prison Chaplain. New Directions offers "A Listening Ear" and "Emotional Support to help families with the challenges they face" when a family member is in prison.
To celebrate the Season of Creation, the English Justice Group and the Associate Core Group organised a Zoom Gathering on the 3rd of October with the Theme - Caring for our Common Home.
The 16 Days of Activism runs from Nov 25th - Dec 10 UNHDR and the theme this year is "Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!The IPA have adjusted their focus and attention to ending violence against women and girls.
At 75 years of age the UN has asked all stakeholders and interested parties to offer what they thought might be the best way forward for all and to this end the IPA co-signed a letter from other Religious Congregations outlining specific asks. Click in for more.

What concerns us all

Here we offer some interpretation of Pope Francis' most recent encyclical "Fratelli Tutti" using short summaries and graphics. It's our attempt to make it more digestible and to help us to see how it compliments Laudato Si and a plan for the world and the people who live in it.
Slides and Presentations from the Conference
SDG Watch Europe discussed their 2020 SDSG monitoring report Time to Reach for the Moon. The EU needs to step up action and lead the transformation to sustainability.
An ambitious climate bill is set to dictate how we live.

UK Aid Budget

The UK has proposed a reduction in Overseas Development Aid and an increase in Defense Spending and all of this is in the context of the merging of the Department for International Development (DFID) with the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO). I have put this together with a reply to this from the UK Ambassador to Ireland who offers his justification. (Irish Times December 2nd 2020)

And by Contrast

Ireland #1 in the world for the most principled aid programme.

Food for thought on Advocacy


GlobalcompactUK series 'Getting Started with the Goals'.

Ireland and the SDGs:

Building Back Better

David Donoghue Introduces Professor Jeffrey Sachs

Professor Sachs


Moderated by David Donoghue. This interview is on the record. (Also live on Youtube) A Development Matter Lecture.

Main Messages.

· The most important crisis is a crisis of governance.

· Two huge challenges that that the world faces:

o The Pandemic.

o Taking the lessons of the Pandemic that wakes us up to the weaknesses of the systems that claim to be able to cope.

· Less money being spent on Foreign Aid.

· New governance in the US is hugely encouraging despite the fact that there has been a growth in populism that mitigates the progress of the SDGs.

· Populism, does not work, it does not bring about well-being. “Trump is creating death and mayhem throughout the US”.

· Populists are people with disordered minds. It lacks rationality. Such irrationality is killing people in the Pandemic. Politicians are there because the public needs public services and public goods.

· Why has Taiwan, China, Korea no cases. Because the government has a rationality that gets the job done.

· Trump bailed on the Pandemic, bailed on Climate Change. He fired the scientist on Climate Change yesterday 9/11/2020. Rational Politicians save lives.

· Any plans made now should be based in evidence and financed appropriately.

· Are the SDGs a luxury now that so much has been spent on the Pandemic? There needs to be a redress of the wealth inequality in the world. Those most wealthy, the top 500 have earned more during this Pandemic.

· Professor Sachs, says that Ireland should take the €14 billion Apple Tax, spend half of it at home and spend the other half abroad.

· Our Politics has not been rational.

· We must decide that were are going to act to make the changes that are necessary.

· The Wealth of the Top 500 could pay for the achievement of SDG2 SDG3 SDG4 SDG6 and SDG7 and still have billions left over.

· We must move to sustainable finance! We need to decarbonise the financing and we should in Europe be proud of the Green New Deal. To investors: Why would you invest in fossil fuels? It’s not just a matter of doing good, it’s financially sensible to divest of fossil fuels We need to fund the “Just Transition.”

· Smart Business moves away from Fossil Fuels.

· This election cycle in the US cost $14 Billion. What could have been done with this money?

· Food Insecurity? The hunger crisis is deep and larger than we know. It’s largely silent. Under-nutrition is a growing issue. Ireland can suggest that there are better surveillance and reporting data that alerts to the deficiencies so that a solution can be affected asap. The incomes of the poor have taken a huge hit after the Pandemic.

· Any place of hunger needs IMF funding in the world. There is enough food. The incomes collapsed not the supply routes and sources of food. Emergency Credit and debt relief is a way forward.

· WHO: The US will re-join the WHO under Biden.

· How to achieve a greater degree of Multi-Lateralism? Is it realistically achievable? Ireland on the Security Council is important and the one aim is to avoid a cold war with China. The “China” blaming needs to stop. The US always needs an enemy. China committed to Net Zero carbon emissions by 2060… this is a common interest that we can practically solve problems.

· BY working together, we are helping ourselves and each other.

· Conflict must end. Much more is possible during peace-time.

· The Paris Agreement was good at asking how we can work together.

· Is the US public interested in the international Agenda? No.

Ireland and the SDGs

1. Governments need to plan for the Achievement of the SDGs beginning with a 10 year plan for where they would like to be by 2030 and what would it take to achieve this, including financing. Use all the talent available in a country to ask all the hard questions. Ireland is just the right size to achieve all we want.

2. We need to extend beyond our border to become active participants in the Green New Deal. SME’s will find their feet in any plan.

3. On debt: We will exit Covid with debts for all. This needs to be planned for so that those furthest behind don’t fall even further behind. We have seen the need for a new financial system that will re-align with new and emerging sustainable needs and this includes ending tax-havens! Much of this is long term. Immediately fund what is needed (to the IMF).

In Ireland and in the UK we have lobbied the Ambassadors / Consuls in an effort to bring some pressure to bear in terms of applying the law that is in place to protect all girls under 18. In 2018 1700 girls were forced to convert and then married.


The English Province have a responsibility for the Presentation Sisters living and working in Palestine. Given all sensitivities we do not lobby directly but we do keep ourselves informed of all the issues that affect them and their work so impactfully.