This Compound Interest Calculator can help determine the compound interest accumulation and final balances on both fixed principal amounts and additional periodic contributions. There are also optional factors available for consideration, such as the tax on interest income and inflation.

Interest is the compensation paid by the borrower to the lender for the use of money as a percent or an amount. The concept of interest is the backbone behind most financial instruments in the world.

Monthly Interest Calculator

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The following is a basic example of how interest works. Derek would like to borrow $100 (usually called the principal) from the bank for one year. The bank wants 10% interest on it. To calculate interest:

Let's assume that Derek wanted to borrow $100 for two years instead of one, and the bank calculates interest annually. He would simply be charged the interest rate twice, once at the end of each year.

Compounding interest requires more than one period, so let's go back to the example of Derek borrowing $100 from the bank for two years at a 10% interest rate. For the first year, we calculate interest as usual.

The more frequently interest is compounded within a time period, the higher the interest will be earned on an original principal. The following is a graph showing just that, a $1,000 investment at various compounding frequencies earning 20% interest.

There is little difference during the beginning between all frequencies, but over time they slowly start to diverge. This is the power of compound interest everyone likes to talk about, illustrated in a concise graph. The continuous compound will always have the highest return due to its use of the mathematical limit of the frequency of compounding that can occur within a specified time period.

Anyone who wants to estimate compound interest in their head may find the rule of 72 very useful. Not for exact calculations as given by financial calculators, but to get ideas for ballpark figures. It states that in order to find the number of years (n) required to double a certain amount of money with any interest rate, simply divide 72 by that same rate.

The interest rate of a loan or savings can be "fixed" or "floating." Floating rate loans or savings are normally based on some reference rate, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) funds rate or the LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate). Normally, the loan rate is a little higher, and the savings rate is a little lower than the reference rate. The difference goes to the profit of the bank. Both the Fed rate and LIBOR are short-term inter-bank interest rates, but the Fed rate is the main tool that the Federal Reserve uses to influence the supply of money in the U.S. economy. LIBOR is a commercial rate calculated from prevailing interest rates between highly credit-worthy institutions. Our Interest Calculator deals with fixed interest rates only.

Our Interest Calculator above allows periodic deposits/contributions. This is useful for those who have the habit of saving a certain amount periodically. An important distinction to make regarding contributions is whether they occur at the beginning or end of compounding periods. Periodic payments that occur at the end have one less interest period total per contribution.

Some forms of interest income are subject to taxes, including bonds, savings, and certificate of deposits(CDs). In the U.S., corporate bonds are almost always taxed. Certain types are fully taxed while others are partially taxed; for example, while interest earned on U.S. federal treasury bonds may be taxed at the federal level, they are generally exempt at the state and local level. Taxes can have very big impacts on the end balance. For example, if Derek saves $100 at 6% for 20 years, he will get:

Tax and inflation combined make it hard to grow the real value of money. For example, in the United States, the middle class has a marginal tax rate of around 25%, and the average inflation rate is 3%. To maintain the value of the money, a stable interest rate or investment return rate of 4% or above needs to be earned, and this is not easy to achieve.

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made in building our calculator tools, we are not to be heldliable for any damages or monetary losses arising out of or in connection with their use. Full disclaimer.

With our compound interest calculator you can calculate the interest you might earn on your savings, investment or 401k over a period of yearsand months based upon a chosen number of compounds per year.

Simply enter your initial investment (principal amount), interest rate, compound frequency and the amount of time you're aiming to save or invest for.You can include regular deposits or withdrawals within your calculation to see how they impact the future value.

The concept of compound interest, or 'interest on interest', is that accumulated interest is added back onto your principal sum, with future interestcalculations being made on both the original principal and the already-accrued interest.

When you combine the power of interest compounding with regular, consistent investing over a sustained period of time, you end up with ahighly effective growth strategy for accelerating the long-term value of your savings or investments.

Compound interest is calculated using the compound interest formula: A = P(1+r/n)^nt.For annual compounding, multiply the initial balance by one plus your annual interest rate raised to the power ofthe number of time periods (years). This gives a combined figure for principal and compound interest.

Let's break down the interest compounding by year with a more realistic example scenario. We'll say you have $10,000 in a savings account earning5% interest per year, with annual compounding. We'll assume you intend to leave the investment untouched for 20 years. Your investment projectionlooks like this...

$10,000 invested at a fixed 5% yearly interest rate, compounded yearly, will grow to $26,532.98 after 20 years. This means total interest of $16,532.98 anda return on investment of 165%.

These example calculations assume a fixed percentage yearly interest rate. If you are investing your money, rather than saving it in fixed rate accounts,the reality is that returns on investments will vary year on year due to fluctuations caused by economic factors.

Looking back at our example from above, if we were to contribute an additional $100 per month into our investment,our balance after 20 years would hit the heights of $67,121, with interest of $33,121 on total deposits of $34,000.

The question about where to invest to earn the most compound interest has become a feature of our email inbox, with peoplethinking about mutual funds, ETFs, MMRs and high-yield savings accounts and wanting to know what's best.

With savings and investments, interest can be compounded at either the start or the end of the compounding period. Ifadditional deposits or withdrawals are included in your calculation, our calculator gives you the option to include them at either the startor end of each period.

You can include regular withdrawals within your compound interest calculation as either a monetary withdrawal or as a percentage of interest/earnings. This can be used in combination withregular deposits.

When interest compounding takes place, the effective annual rate becomes higher than the nominal annual interest rate. The more times theinterest is compounded within the year, the higher the effective annual interest rate will be.

Within our compound interest calculator results section, you will see either a RoR or TWR figure appear for your calculation. You may bewondering what these are, so let's take a look.

Here's a final thought. If you want to roughly calculate compound interest on a savings figure, without using a calculator, you can use a formula calledthe rule of 72. The rule of 72 helps you estimate the number of years it will take to double your money. The method issimple - just divide the number 72 by your annual interest rate.

For example, let's say you're earning 3% per annum. Divide 72 by 3, which will give you 24. So, in about 24 years, your initial investment will have doubled. If you'rereceiving 6% then your money will double in about 12 years. All using the power of compound interest.

I hope you found this calculator and article useful. Many of the features in my compound interest calculator have come as a result of user feedback,so if you have any comments or suggestions, I would love to hear from you.

The Bankrate loan interest calculator only applies to loans with fixed or simple interest. When used correctly, it can help you determine the total interest over the life of your loan, as well as the average monthly interest payments.

To use the calculator, enter the beginning balance of your loan and your interest rate. Next, add the minimum and the maximum that you can pay each month, then click calculate. The results will let you see the total interest and the monthly average for the minimum and maximum payment plans.

Amortized loans tend to be more complicated. The initial payments for amortized loans are typically interest-heavy, which means that more of the payments are going toward interest than the principal loan balance. As you get closer to the end of your repayment term, more of your monthly payments go toward the principal balance and less toward interest. To calculate the amortized rate, complete the following steps:

The higher the rate of inflation, the higher interest rates will typically trend. Similarly, if inflation is slowing, interest rates tend to drop, too. This is in part because banks anticipate the decreased purchasing power of the interest earned during periods of high inflation.

The major part of your mortgage payment is the principal and the interest. The principal is the amount you borrowed, while the interest is the sum you pay the lender for borrowing it. Your lender also might collect an extra amount every month to put into escrow, money that the lender (or servicer) then typically pays directly to the local property tax collector and to your insurance carrier. 2351a5e196

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