Montessori School Richmond

5 Tips to Find Ideal Montessori School in Richmond

It is good to hear that you finally decided to enrol your child in a Montessori school of Richmond. Indeed, it is a great choice! The reason is education approach of the Montessori school is different as it promotes the natural curiosity of children. But your work is not yet over. You need to choose the right school out of many present in Richmond, Texas. If for the first time you have been looking for such schools, watch out for the following factors:

1. Take a Look on Classrooms: The learning environment of these schools have a unique look and feel. To verify the same, take a stroll in different classrooms and observe whether they are well-stocked with toys and education materials, are they clean and organized? Does classroom look welcoming? The Montessori materials available in classrooms made from which material? Are these materials within the reach of children? Gather answers of all these questions and you can easily decide the rest of the things.

Watch Students: Prefer taking a classroom tour during the time when students are present. This will give you a concrete idea that whether or not students enjoying their education in Montessori schools of Richmond. Observe whether they look contended or look disruptive? Watch out are they working individually or in small groups? Are they interacting with each other respectfully? If fight occurs between two students, how teachers resolve them? Are students enjoying while learning and interacting with each other a lot? The answers of these questions give you a fair idea how students behave in classrooms.

Observe Teachers: In Montessori schools, teachers are often reckoned as “guides”. Instead of simply standing at one place and giving instructions to students, they form small group of students and interact with them. So, you need to take a note of the following things:

  1. How teachers are interacting with children?

  2. Are teachers talking with students respectfully?

  3. Do they observe each child closely to evaluate his learning capabilities?

  4. Are they happy or irritated while speaking to students or solving their queries?

Teachers play a crucial role in the holistic development of children. Thus, it is crucial to choose such a Montessori school in Richmond where Montessori-trained teachers are present.

Mixed-Age Classroom: This is one of the unique selling propositions of Montessori schools. These schools usually teach mix age of children in one classroom. For instance, you will easily find a toddler of 24 months learning amongst children of 3-4 years. Similarly, primary class comprises children ranging from 3 to 6 years. One of the best things about these classes is younger students get to learn a lot of things from elder students and older students get the opportunity to teach younger lots. This promotes harmony and respect amongst children for each other. So, check out which schools have such kinds of classrooms and if you like the concept, enrol your child in schools running mixed-age classrooms.

Do not Hesitate to Ask: Besides enquiring above all these factors, there are certain questions which should definitely ask from the Montessori school’s authorities of Richmond.Some of these questions are:

  1. What is the schedule of classrooms?

  2. Do they offer both part-time and full-time course programs?

  3. Do they offer day care programs for extended hours as well?

  4. Do they give homework to children?

  5. Do they offer meals? If yes, how many meals in a day?

  6. What are the extra-curricular activities they focus based on each child’s interest and learning capabilities?

  7. Is the teaching staff friendly and approachable during the times of emergency?

Once you gather answers of these questions satisfactorily, this is the time to listen to your own instinct. You instinct will give you a crystal clear idea whether a particular Montessori school in Richmond is ideal for your children. It is because no one other than you know your child in the best way. If you are still unable to take any decision, speak to your friends and neighbours and they might help you.