Dear Montebello Families,

Partnerships between parents, educators and children enhance children’s success. We know that children learn more and have better lives when everyone in the school community works together to share thoughts and information and work on projects to benefit children. The Montebello PTA hosts programs that benefit the children at our school. Here are some of the fun scheduled programs:

Ice Pop Social

Fall and Spring Book Fairs

Morning PE programs

Teacher VS Student games for every grade level

Educational and fun Programs in school

Exciting assemblies

Fall festival and Trunk-or-treat

Holiday Boutique

Car Wash

After school programs for the whole school

Kinderstar shirts for our new Kindergarten students

Olympic Day

Multicultural Night(This was a huge success last year)

Family Prom

5th grade dance, party and other events

And so so much more!!!

By becoming a member of Montebello PTA, you can become an important part of helping to ensure that these plans become a reality. We also welcome your new ideas for the benefit of our children.

Members of the Montebello PTA receive:

Constant updates and communication on what is happening at Montebello

Activity updates on programs that are being brought to the school

Discounts on all PTA sponsored after school programs and activities

Discounts at local and national businesses listed on the PTA

Please join with us to make a difference in the education, health, and welfare of our children. Please click on the link below and join the Montebello PTA. Part of the dues go directly to helping this year even better than last year. 


If you’d like any additional information about the PTA, feel free to contact:

Aman Brown

PTA President


Jan Rosenblum

PTA Vice-President

We look forward to having YOU as a member!