Covid19 Safety Rules

Monomyths association will follow, during the training course for youth workers the Health Protocol regarding the security and protection of all the participants and staff. The protection and security measures will be in accordance with the legislation in force at the time of the face-to-face activity, always considering the indications of the Romanian Ministry of Health, indications of accommodation, transport (international and national).

Previous to the project:

As a European travel rule, the travel of any participant who presents Covid:19 symptoms prior to the trip to Romania is strictly forbidden. Each partner has the responsibility to check before the departure the rules and restrictions imposed for their country by the Romanian Ministry of Healthy.

PCR tests & Health Insurance

The youth workers selected to attend the international mobility acknowledge and agree to have a valid health insurance for the whole duration of the training course and a PCR test (if is considered a mandatory condition to enter the country).

The PCR test costs will be reimbursed by the host organization and supported from the project grant.

Travel: During the international & national travel, it is important to respect the security measures imposed by airlines, airports and various transportation companies, with regard to safety distance and the use of a protective mask.

During the project:

Please proceed according to the accommodation and host organization safety standards, which are imposed by WHO, European Commission, and Ministry of Health. It is mandatory to use a medical mask (not a textile one), participant's responsibility! Temperature measurements will be taken of all project participants, twice a day, to guarantee the safety of the group.