Crafting Tweaks

Minecraft: Java Edition - 1.20

Allows rooted dirt to be crafted with 2 hanging roots and 2 dirt.v1.0.3
Missing recipes when it comes to mixing dyes.More Information Herev2.1.6
Light your sticks into torches using the trusty campfire. Try not to burn yourself.v1.0.3
Get more nether bricks per craft.v1.0.4
Get more red nether bricks per craft.
Craft variants of mossy blocks (stairs, slabs, etc.) from their 'normal' counterparts.v1.0.4
Craft snow layers with better maths.v1.0.3
Adds recipes to unpack compressed blocks.More Information Herev1.0.2
Quality of life recipes to make playing a bit quicker.More Information Herev1.3.4
Adds woodcutting functionality to the stone cutter. Recipes for stripping, planks, stairs, slabs, buttons and trapdoors.v1.2.2