Monin Techawachirakul
Associate Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology, Thammasat University
Department of Psychology, Thammasat University
Peer-reviewed articles
Techawachirakul, M., Pathak, A., Motoki, K., & Calvert, G. A. (2025). Cheers to sustainability! The effect of warmth focus on the acceptance of sustainable paper-bottled alcoholic beverages. Food Quality and Preference, 123, 105313.
Techawachirakul, M., Pathak, A., Motoki, K., & Calvert, G. A. (2023). Negative halo effects of sustainable packaging. Psychology & Marketing, 40, 2627-2641.
Techawachirakul, M., Pathak, A., Motoki, K., & Calvert, G. A. (2023). Influencing brand personality with sonic logos: The role of musical timbre. Journal of Business Research, 168, 114169.
Techawachirakul, M., Pathak, A., Motoki, K., & Calvert, G. A. (2023). Sonic branding of meat- and plant-based foods: The role of timbre. Journal of Business Research, 165, 114032.
Techawachirakul, M., Pathak, A., & Calvert, G. A. (2022). That sounds healthy!: Audio and visual frequency differences in brand sound logos modify the perception of food healthfulness. Food Quality and Preference, 99, 104544.
Pathak, A., Motoki, K., Techawachirakul, M., & Calvert, G. A. (2022). Spiky sounds sparkling: How voiceless consonants present in the brand name of a beverage are more appropriate in conveying its carbonation strength. Food Quality and Preference, 96, 104404.
Techawachirakul, M. (2020). Violence in games may not promise an effective brand strategy, but plot relation does. Journal of Promotion Management, 26(1), 1-23.
Techawachirakul, M., Wongchompoo, S., Jai-em, K., Keeratimatakul C., Likitthanasombat, T., & Sroysuwan, V. (2018). Effect of violence in film on selective attention toward violence. Journal of Research Methodology and Cognitive Science, 16(1), 19-25. (in Thai)
Jangcharoenjittkul, K., Techawachirakul, M., Thongsuk, P., Polvimoltham, P., Varokorn, M., Pimolkittirat, A. & Ngamsirijit, E. (2017). The effect of music tempo on risk taking. Journal of Liberal Arts, 17(2). 20-34. (in Thai)
Techawachirakul, P. (2016). Product placement in psychological perspective. Journal of Behavioral Science for Development, 8(2). 17-35. (in Thai)
Walker, R., Techawachirakul, P. & Haggard, P. (2009). Frontal eye field stimulation modulates the balance of salience between target and distractors. Brain Research, 1270, 54-63.
NOTE: If you can’t access any of the articles above, feel free to contact me, and I’ll be happy to share a copy.
WARC articles
Techawachirakul, M. & Calvert, G. (2020). The plot thickens: How brands can integrate into in-game environments and build relationships. WARC Exclusive, September, 2020.
Zhuoran, D., Calvert, G., Techawachirakul, M., & Pathak, A. (2024). Alcohol in paper bottles: How to get consumers to drink to sustainability. WARC Exclusive, April, 2024.
Conference proceedings (* denotes presenter)
Techawachirakul, M.*, Pathak, A., Motoki, K., & Calvert, G. A. (2023). Gender stereotypes and sonic branding: The role of musical timbre in connoting brand personality traits. Proceedings of the European Association of Consumer Research Conference 2023.
Pathak, A., Motoki, K., Techawachirakul, M.*, & Calvert, G. A. (2022). Voiceless consonants in brand names enhance the expected carbonation in beverages. Proceedings of 2022 Society of Consumer Psychology Conference, 61.
Techawachirakul, M.*, Pathak, A., & Calvert, G. A. (2022). How brands can use frequency present in audio logos to connote the healthfulness of associated food products. Proceedings of 2022 Society of Consumer Psychology Conference, 66.
Techawachirakul, M.*, Pathak, A., Motoki, K., & Calvert, G. A. (2022). Brand sonic logos can convey the masculine or feminine (meat vs. salad) nature of food products. Proceedings of 2022 Society of Consumer Psychology Conference, 135.
Pathak, A., Motoki, K., Techawachirakul, M.*, & Calvert, G. A. (2022). The influence of voiceless consonants in brand names on the expected carbonation in beverages. Proceedings of 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference, 33, 168-172.
Techawachirakul, M.*, Pathak, A., & Calvert, G. A. (2022). The influence of frequency and tempo in brand audio logos on the expected healthfulness of foods. Proceedings of 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference, 33, 27-31.
Phetniam, K., Nganpakamongkhol, N., Pochanachan, B., Thaiyanunt, W., Sena, A., & Techawachirakul, M. (2019). The effectiveness of preventive message formats that enhance female’s body satisfaction after advertising exposure. Proceedings of Thailand National Conference on Psychology 2019 (TNCP2019): Psychology of Dynamic with Global Society. Bangkok: Srinakharinwirot University. (in Thai)
Chaikeaw, K., Somsrimee, P., Thawaen, K., Poksawat, H., & Techawachirakul, M. (2019). The effect of pop-up and banner ad exposures in online video on brand recognition and brand preference. Proceedings of Thailand National Conference on Psychology 2019 (TNCP2019): Psychology of Dynamic with Global Society. Bangkok: Srinakharinwirot University. (in Thai)
Jangcharoenjittkul, K., Techawachirakul, M., & Pinpradub, K. (2018). Models influence online perception of apparel quality. Proceedings of Thailand National Conference on Psychology 2018 (TNCP2018): Harmony Diversity in Psychology Perspective. Bangkok: Asia Digital Printing. (in Thai)
Joradon, R., Sungsakul, O., Jangcharoenjittkul, K., & Techawachirakul, M. (2018). Effect of emotions on decision making measured by Iowa Gambling Task. Proceedings of Thailand National Conference on Psychology 2018 (TNCP2018): Harmony Diversity in Psychology Perspective. Bangkok: Asia Digital Printing. (in Thai)
About me
PhD in Marketing, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. (2020 - 2024)
Thesis title: Sonic logos and consumer behaviour
MSc in Cognitive Neuropsychology (Distinction), University College London (UCL), UK. (2006 - 2007)
Thesis title: Inhibitory processes in voluntary saccades: A TMS study of the role of frontal eye field
BA in Psychology (1st Class Honours with Gold Medal Award), Thammasat University, Thailand. (1999 - 2003)
Research interests
As consumers spend more time online, brands need to reconnect and integrate into new digital environments. My research interests overlap psychology and marketing areas and study how multisensory experiences contribute to consumer perception and behaviours towards product and brand attributes.
Main research areas:
Sonic branding
Multisensory marketing
Crossmodal correspondences
Applied linguistics in branding
Brand placement
Teaching experiences
Introduction to psychology
Brain and behavior
Psychology of interpersonal relations
Sensation and perception
Psychology of learning
Media coverage
CNA (2022). How frequency of sonic logos can impact perception of food healthfulness.
The MOMENTUM (2018) (An influence news and media website in Thailand). Looking love through psychologist’s view.
2023 - present
Funder: Ministry of Education, Singapore
Project title: the influence of sound logos (sogos) on healthier food perception and choice
2018 - 2019
Funder: Thammasat University, Thailand
Project title: Impact of plot relation and violent cues on brand placement in games
Professional service
Ad-hoc reviewer
Discover Public Health (Formerly Emerging Themes in Epidemiology)
American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference 2024, 2025
European Association of Consumer Research (EACR) Conference 2023
AMA Winter Academic Conference 2023
AMA Summer Academic Conference 2022
Abhishek Pathak (Dundee Business School)
Gemma Calvert (Nanyang Business School)
Kosuke Motoki (The University of Tokyo)