Monica Costa Dias

I am Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol and Deputy Research Director at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, in London. I am also an elected fellow of the International Association for Applied Econometrics, and a Research Fellow at IZA Bonn, the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and the Human Capital an Economic Opportunity Global Working Group (HCEO). Since 2018, I am editor of Fiscal Studies. In 2020, I was elected council member of the Royal Economic Society and of the European Economic Association.

My research interests are in the fields of labour, family and public economics, and applied econometrics. I study how inequalities build over the course of life and are transmitted across generations, how public policy interacts with the formation of inequalities and how it can be designed to ameliorate poverty and its long lasting impacts. In my work, I use applied economic theory and applied econometrics, which I often combine in structural models of economic behaviour, to gain a better understanding of individual choices, how they interact in markets and how they respond to economic incentives.

My research has been funded by, among others, the Economic and Social Research Council (UK) and the European Commission, and has been published in leading academic journals such as Econometrica, the Journal of Political Economy, Quantitative Economics, Journal of Labor Economics or the Journal of Human Resources.