Instructor resources

There is a new, much simpler, way to create your links from Brightspace to Mobius!  Look for "Mobius LTI" directly under the "Add Activity" menu (instead of going to "External Learning Tools").  One step and you're in!

Part A:  Setting up Brightspace and Mobius 

Step 1: Create Your Class on Möbius using Brightspace

Overview:  You will access Mobius from Brightspace.  Here, you will make a link your your private access (which you will hide from students!) and create your course on Möbius at the same time.  Be sure to put your Mobius course under the correct parent folder (eg: if you are teaching MAT1320A, you will put it under MAT1320).


Step-by-step guide with screenshots (by Benoit Dionne).

Step 2:  On Brightspace, create a module where students will find the FAQ and their Möbius assignments.  

Include a link for students to the Möbius FAQ (public website) 

On the FAQ website, students will find the instructions for buying the licence for Möbius ($30 for one year) and the browser requirements. The non-compatibility of the browser is the most frequent source of problems. Students must ensure that their browser accepts third party cookies.

If you are logged in as a prof of two courses, be careful!  Close the window and delete Mobius cookies if you find yourself logged into the wrong course.

Step 3: Link to Gradebook (and Solutions) on Möbius 

Overview:  This separate link will allow students to access the marking and full solutions to each assignment (after the due date) by clicking “Details” next to the item in their Gradebook.  

You may want to call it “Solutions to your Möbius Assignments (Click “Details”)” rather than "Gradebook".


Screenshots on how to link to the Mobius Gradebook (by Benoit Dionne).

Step 4 (recommended): Create a link to the “Getting to Know Möbius” assignment (or any other assignment).   

(“Getting to Know Möbius” is available for all Calculus I and II classes)


Overview: This is an ungraded assignment and provides Mobius orientation for your students.  If students have never accessed Möbius before, clicking on their first assignment (such as this one) leads them to purchase their licence for the year. 


The steps for linking this “Getting to Know Möbius” assignment to Brightspace are the same as you will use all term. 


Screenshots on how to link to a Mobius assignment (by Benoit Dionne)  At Step 2, select “Getting to Know Möbius” from the menu of assignments available.

If your course coordinator is producing the assignments for you, then you will simply repeat Step 4 all term.  Course coordinators wishing to do so should contact Monica Nevins to ask for access to the parent class. 

Part B: Creating graded assignments on Möbius

Do not use Möbius for ungraded homework; use your textbook for exercises.  The questions in our Möbius databank were written in-house by your colleagues and should not be made freely available.   

Step 1:  Browse questions.

Overview:  Use your private link to the Möbius homepage in Brightspace to access Möbius.  Go to  Content Repository and choose Questions from the column marked “Current class”.  Browse.


Screenshots for Previewing Questions On Mobius (by Benoit Dionne) 

Step 2: Create an assignment 

Overview: Use your private link to the Möbius homepage in Brightspace to access Möbius.  Go to  Content Repository (top) and then choose Assignments from the column marked “Current class”.   Three choices (see step-by-step instructions, below):

a) If available, take an existing assignment.  Choose it, click EDIT, and adjust the policies (properties) carefully. For more significant edits, instead click “Clone to my class”. (Reload Mobius if you can’t find your cloned copy; it will be in the Assignment root.)

b) Import an assignment from a previous term.  Go to your old class, choose the assignment, and click Export.  Then in your new class, click Import.  Then edit it carefully. 

c) Create a new assignment.  Click the blue “Create New” button in the top left of the screen, and select “assignment”.  Then give it a title, add questions, and define the policies (properties).


Step-by-step guide: Creating Assignments On Mobius (by Benoit Dionne) and Rules for assignments (by Benoit Dionne)

Step 3: Link to the assignment from Brightspace.

These are the same instructions as Step 4 of Part A:  Screenshots on how to link to a Mobius assignment (by Benoit Dionne) 


Your students’ grades will automatically show up in the Brightspace Gradebook after each assignment is due, as long as they access their assignment through the Brightspace link directly.

Part C:  Supplementary Material

These are available on the intranet Public Wiki under Resources – Möbius :


Proctor Tools on Möbius

Describes how to give more time for an assignment to a student, or to let a student re-start and assignment that had been submitted, ...


Reviewing and Modifying Grades of Assignments on Möbius

Describes how to manually grade questions and override the marking done by Möbius. 


Creating Adaptive Assignments on Möbius

Adaptive assignments allow students to proceed to a next branch of questions as a function of their success, such as one might want for a diagnostic test.


For any questions, please email me.