Database methods to create, find, update, or delete records are asynchronous. What this means is that the methods return immediately, and the code to handle the success or failure of the method runs at a later time when the operation completes. Other code can execute while the server is waiting for the database operation to complete, so the server can remain responsive to other requests.

Installing Mongoose adds all its dependencies, including the MongoDB database driver, but it does not install MongoDB itself. If you want to install a MongoDB server then you can download installers from here for various operating systems and install it locally. You can also use cloud-based MongoDB instances.

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Mongoose requires a connection to a MongoDB database. You can require() and connect to a locally hosted database with mongoose.connect() as shown below (for the tutorial we'll instead connect to an internet-hosted database).

You can get the default Connection object with mongoose.connection. If you need to create additional connections you can use mongoose.createConnection(). This takes the same form of database URI (with host, database, port, options, etc.) as connect() and returns a Connection object). Note that createConnection() returns immediately; if you need to wait on the connection to be established you can call it with asPromise() to return a promise (mongoose.createConnection(mongoDB).asPromise()).

The code fragment below shows how you might define a simple schema. First you require() mongoose, then use the Schema constructor to create a new schema instance, defining the various fields inside it in the constructor's object parameter.

A schema can also have instance methods, static methods, and query helpers. The instance and static methods are similar, but with the obvious difference that an instance method is associated with a particular record and has access to the current object. Query helpers allow you to extend mongoose's chainable query builder API (for example, allowing you to add a query "byName" in addition to the find(), findOne() and findById() methods).

Every model has an associated connection (this will be the default connection when you use mongoose.model()). You create a new connection and call .model() on it to create the documents on a different database.

\n Database methods to create, find, update, or delete records are asynchronous.\n What this means is that the methods return immediately, and the code to handle the success or failure of the method runs at a later time when the operation completes.\n Other code can execute while the server is waiting for the database operation to complete, so the server can remain responsive to other requests.\n

\n Mongoose requires a connection to a MongoDB database.\n You can require() and connect to a locally hosted database with mongoose.connect() as shown below (for the tutorial we'll instead connect to an internet-hosted database).\n

\n You can get the default Connection object with mongoose.connection.\n If you need to create additional connections you can use mongoose.createConnection().\n This takes the same form of database URI (with host, database, port, options, etc.) as connect() and returns a Connection object).\n Note that createConnection() returns immediately; if you need to wait on the connection to be established you can call it with asPromise() to return a promise (mongoose.createConnection(mongoDB).asPromise()).\n

A schema can also have instance methods, static methods, and query helpers. The instance and static methods are similar, but with the obvious difference that an instance method is associated with a particular record and has access to the current object. Query helpers allow you to extend mongoose's chainable query builder API (for example, allowing you to add a query \"byName\" in addition to the find(), findOne() and findById() methods).

Therefore, to integrate Mongoose into an application, simply copy these twofiles to the application's source tree. The mongoose.c and mongoose.h filesare actually an amalgamation - non-amalgamated sources can be found at

Some IDEs have configurations wizards or tools that allow the developer tochoose the most commonly used features of a package. For those architectures(currently MG_ARCH_ARMCC), Mongoose also pulls a custom configuration headerfile called mongoose_custom.h which, in case of a package like e.g.CMSIS-Pack, comes pre-filled with the necessary annotations. When not using apackage, a simple empty file will do, though it can hold any of the buildoptions described above. See next section for details on thisfile.

Mongoose works on any system that provides BSD socket API. In other words,it works on top of any BSD-compatible TCP/IP stack. That includes UNIX, Mac,Windows systems, as well as some embedded TCP/IP stacks like lwIP.However, Mongoose provides its own TCP/IP stack that can be activated bythe build option MG_ENABLE_TCPIP set to 1. It can be done eitherby setting compiler flags or via mongoose_custom.h:

In essence, the update process requires 3 functions: ota_begin(), ota_write(), and ota_end().The implementation is driven by the build option MG_OTA. By default it isset to #define MG_OTA MG_OTA_NONE, which activates src/ota_dummy.c, a stub implementation that does nothing. By setting #define MG_OTA MG_OTA_CUSTOMin mongoose_custom.h you can create your own set of mg_ota_* functions.

NOTE: if both ca and cert are set, then two-way (mutual) TLS authentication is enabled,both sides authenticate each other. Usually, for one-way (server) TLS authentication,server connections set both key and cert, whilst clients only ca and/or possibly name.

I think it is easier to try GitHub - yhirose/cpp-httplib: A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library. It is only a header include file for client + server. I have used this in Windows and Linux without any problems. A basic server look like this:

That's because mongoose buffers model function calls internally. Thisbuffering is convenient, but also a common source of confusion. Mongoosewill not throw any errors by default if you use a model withoutconnecting.

The serverSelectionTimeoutMS option is extremely important: it controls how long the MongoDB Node.js driver will attempt to retry any operation before erroring out.This includes initial connection, like await mongoose.connect(), as well as any operations that make requests to MongoDB, like save() or find().

While 30 seconds seems like a long time, serverSelectionTimeoutMS means you're unlikely to see any interruptions during a replica set failover.If you lose your replica set primary, the MongoDB Node driver will ensure that any operations you send during the replica set election will eventually execute, assuming that the replica set election takes less than serverSelectionTimeoutMS.

To get faster feedback on failed connections, you can reduce serverSelectionTimeoutMS to 5000 as follows.We don't recommend reducing serverSelectionTimeoutMS unless you are running a standalone MongoDB server rather than a replica set, or unless you are using a serverless runtime like AWS Lambda.

There is no way to tune serverSelectionTimeoutMS independently for mongoose.connect() vs for queries.If you want to reduce serverSelectionTimeoutMS for queries and other operations, but still retry mongoose.connect() for longer, you are responsible for retrying the connect() calls yourself using a for loop or a tool like p-retry.

Connections inherit from Node.js' EventEmitter class,and emit events when something happens to the connection, like losingconnectivity to the MongoDB server. Below is a list of events that aconnection may emit.

When you're connecting to a single MongoDB server (a "standalone"), Mongoose will emit disconnected if it getsdisconnected from the standalone server, and connected if it successfully connects to the standalone. In areplica set, Mongoose will emit disconnected if it loses connectivity to the replica set primary, and connected if it manages to reconnect to the replica set primary.

The underlying MongoDB driver uses a process known as server selection to connect to MongoDB and send operations to MongoDB.If the MongoDB driver can't find a server to send an operation to after serverSelectionTimeoutMS,you'll get the below error:

A MongoTimeoutError has a reason property that explains whyserver selection timed out. For example, if you're connecting toa standalone server with an incorrect password, reasonwill contain an "Authentication failed" error.

MongoDB replica sets rely on being able to reliably figure out the domain name for each member.

On Linux and OSX, the MongoDB server uses the output of the hostname command to figure out the domain name to report to the replica set.This can cause confusing errors if you're connecting to a remote MongoDB replica set running on a machine that reports its hostname as localhost:

You can also check the reason.servers property of MongooseServerSelectionError to see what the MongoDB Node driver thinks the state of your replica set is.The reason.servers property contains a map of server descriptions.

So far we've seen how to connect to MongoDB using Mongoose's defaultconnection. Mongoose creates a default connection when you call mongoose.connect().You can access the default connection using mongoose.connection. 006ab0faaa

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