The OS is windows server 2016 and we were able to test compass running on the same server without any issues but the same SRV format connection string, as mentioned in the documentation is not working.

So guy,

i,m facing problem in powerbi service with making connecting with mongodb atlas live connection ,i already make a connection in powerbi desktop but after publist it on powerbi service my dataset is not taking credentials throughing error in it .

so basically i want to know following things-

1. it is a problem by powerbi or i only able to connect live when i have pro version(although i'm using free trail now)

2. is it is problem by mongodb ,if it is by mongodb so how to solve it .

Mongodb Atlas Download Windows


Step 4: Create a username and password then select database access to atlasAdmin and network access to allow access to anywhere. That will be the username and password through which the user can access the database given to who do you give access.

But mongoDB Atlas only support IPv4.

And my friend @7_ox_7 tried in windows locally and its working on the first call (http post request) after clearing cache and certificates. And when calling second time this function again throwing error. It only working once locally. Do you have suggestions or solutions?

To connect to a MongoDB database, select Add Connection and enter the connection details for the database then Connect, the default is a local MongoDB server at mongodb:// You can also enter a connection string, click the "connect with a connection string" link and paste the connection string.

Thank you very much. You saved me from wandering in random blogs.

However, I wanted to ask how would you connect this DB to some sort of data browser, like Compass?

It should be a little tricky because it shouldn't work properly, if you run compass from windows. Is that right?

Running and scraping the Bitnami exporter, the metrics scraped are the same and the .css-d10w68{-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;background:none;border:0;border-bottom:1px solid var(--primary-text-color);color:var(--primary-text-color);cursor:pointer;display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-webkit-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center;padding-bottom:1px;padding-right:1px;}dashboards.css-1d5o6hd{margin-left:0.25em;}.css-1eb8pd7{fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;margin-left:0.25em;}.css-u04r6d{width:1.25em;height:1.25em;fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;margin-left:0.25em;} work. However, the integration adds a common label to all the Metrics scraped from a particular MongoDB cluster mongodb_cluster_name to be able to group metrics coming from different clusters.

The attribute mongodb_cluster_name to all the MongoDB metrics is needed by the MongoDB dashboard and you need to add it manually. Depending on the agent scraping the Prometheus metrics, there are different ways to add common labels.

To configure the integration, edit the config in the integration's YAML configuration file, mongodb3-config.yml. The configuration is where you can place required login credentials and configure how data is collected. Which options you change depends on your setup and preference.

This is the same basic configuration used to collect metrics showing how to run the integration twice connecting to two hosts. Notice that each instance of the integration will spawn an extra exporter listening on a different port. Each instance will need a unique mongodb_cluster_name and exporter_port.

Please note the after your username. In this example, after mongodb+srv://username:. You will need to replace the with the password you created earlier for this user in your MongoDB Atlas account.

I've searched online and can't find any fix for this. I'm running Windows 10 Pro version 10.0.19044 Build 19044. I have tried using just "mongodb" instead of "mongodb_srv". I have added the path to the mongosh exe to my environment variables but I don't think that's relevant. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You have now created the database, and have a URL (with username and password) that can be used to access it. This will look something like: mongodb+srv://

\n You have now created the database, and have a URL (with username and password) that can be used to access it.\n This will look something like: mongodb+srv://\n

This is the minimum needed to connect the myapp database running locally on the default port (27017).For local MongoDB databases, we recommend using instead of localhost.That is because Node.js 18 and up prefer IPv6 addresses, which means, on many machines, Node.js will resolve localhost to the IPv6 address ::1 and Mongoose will be unable to connect, unless the mongodb instance is running with ipv6 enabled.

New Relic Instant Observability is a collection of open-source quickstarts that can help you quickly configure dashboards, instrumentation, and alerts. You can view the source of any quickstart using the View repo button. For example, the MongoDB quickstart source is available at

The mongodb.json file is the blueprint for the dashboard. If you view the file on GitHub, you can see that it contains a list of widgets and their type, size, positioning, titles, and other information. This is the same file that JSON generates when you click the copy JSON to clipboard button on any of your dashboards (which is also how you could bootstrap your own quickstarts). For more information on creating your own quickstarts, view the newrelic-quickstarts repository. e24fc04721

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