Money Budger

Envelope system and Zero-based budgeting that doesn't require an account or any of your information, you are the owner of your data, you save it wherever you want.

This app utilizes the Envelope System and Zero-Based Budgeting like many other apps, but in contrast to other apps, it gives you total control over your data. You can save it wherever you want; it can be on your phone, computer, or cloud storage. Nobody has access to your data but you. Data is saved in CSV format, which you can open in any text editor or Excel sheet, giving you ultimate flexibility.

Another unique feature of MoneyBudger is the option to mark your transactions as "Big" or "Recurring." These options give you a clearer picture of your expenses. For example, if I have recurring bills, I can mark them as "Recurring". Then I see that in total during one month I have spent, say, $2000, but the next month I notice that my spending has increased to $500 more. However, I had a big purchase of $500, which I have marked as "Big". Thus, I can clearly see how one month's worth of spending differs from another. Once I know that I have some recurring expenses, I can mark those as recurring spending categories.

In general, you have two main views: one is your accounts with transactions in them, and the other is the categories table. Every transaction should have a category; that is how the budget is calculated. All income should be divided into categories. When this occurs, simply take money from one category and cover those expenses; however, you will be unable to spend more on something else.

DISCLAIMER: MoneyBudger is not a financial advisor app and doesn't take any responsibility for any losses. MoneyBudger is only an auxiliary tool, and the user has all the control over their finances.



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