Affirmations are a great way to reprogram your believes. In this audio, I recorded affirmations specifically about money and wealth, because it's important to have a healthy relationship with money.

This course consists of 2 programs: a guided meditation by Orin and a second program containing all the affirmations from the Creating Money Attracting Abundance book. Use both programs to increase your abundance, to draw to you what you want, and to believe you deserve to have it. Listen to affirmations while you drive, work around the house, garden, and more. You can listen to the guided meditation to transform your relationship to money and abundance as you relax and meditate.

Money Affirmations Audio Download


Recommended Audio Courses to Help Create Abundance

Guided Meditations: Creating Money guided journeys to reprogram your subconscious for abundance. The audio course contains 8 meditations to reprogram your subconscious for abundance, using the principles taught in the Creating Money book. Audio titles include: Magnetizing Yourself; Clearing Beliefs and Old Programs; Success!!; Creating Abundance; Awakening Your Prosperity Self; Aura Clearing, Energy and Lightwork; Releasing Doubts and Fears; and Linking with Your Soul and the Guides. These audio programs are also available as singles you can download.

tag_hash_106 Audiobook: Orin and DaBen's Creating Money Audiobook, read by Sanaya Roman, transmitting Orin's energy as you listen. More than just an audio book, it contains over 11 hours of audio. There are 23 chapters and 24 exercises, and the affirmations from the book. Expand your abundance potential as you listen, either in meditation, or while driving or doing other activities. You can also listen to a free 8 minute excerpt from the book. 

Orin's Divine Manifesting Course

Manifesting With the 7 Divine Wills and Divine Self 

Part 1: Manifesting as Your Divine Self

Part 2: Becoming a Master of Manifesting These are Orin's newest and most powerful courses in Manifesting.These processes will expand your consciousness and assist you in realizing more of the consciousness of your Divine Self, the source of all Divine Manifesting.

Creating Money Audio Short Course: Creating Money Affirmations Program 1 contains affirmations from the Creating Money book; Program 2 contains a magnetizing journey by Orin. These audio journeys will help reprogram your subconscious for abundance and help you put into motion the principles and spiritual laws of abundance you will learn in the Creating Money: Attracting Abundance book.

Recommended Orin Single Audio Journeys

Unlimited Thinking and for Self-Employed People: Attracting business, clients, sales, and money, Discovering Your Life Purpose, and Manifesting Your Destiny.

View a list of all Creating Money products

Recommended Reading

Orin and DaBen's Creating Money: Attracting Abundance Book Now available in printed and eBook formats! 

This is a step-by-step guide to the art of manifesting using advanced energy techniques, magnetism, and the spiritual laws of abundance. Discover and create your life's work, transform limiting beliefs, create miracles, and draw to you what you want.

Creating Money AUDIO BOOK Creating Money: Attracting Abundance book, read by Sanaya Roman, transmitting Orin's energy as you listen. You can also listen to a free 8 minute excerpt from the book.

Experience the power of positive affirmations with our audio download. By deepening your understanding of the law of attraction and speaking aloud to yourself each day, you can align your mind to attract more money. Harness the power of daily money affirmations today.

These affirmations have been designed to affirm messages of self belief to your mind. This recording is 57m long and ideally should be listened to with headphones at least once in full per day for 20+ days for maximum impact.

Canny Crystals is based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and serves worldwide. With a company ethos revolving around mental wellbeing and holistic health, we aim to help and guide you on your spiritual journey as you begin to unlock your unlimited potential.

Also, due to the dramatic growth of the audiobook industry, authors perceive that sales for audio editions are easily made without much or any effort. I therefore thought it would be good to write an article this week about 3 financial aspects of audiobook production so authors can have realistic expectations.

For every 10 ebooks you sell, you might sell one audiobook. Royalties are paid based on the revenue received from the purchase price, not the full retail price. You might earn $2-4 for each audiobook sold, so you can see it could take a while for the audiobook to start earning a profit.

In other words, a narrator is most interested in a royalty share contract for those books that are selling or can be expected to sell consistently in other editions. However, in those cases, an author is best served by paying the narrator her rate (usually $200-400 per finished hour) and retaining all royalties. This article further discusses your options and the break-even point.

I read a comment in an on-line forum that stated many indie authors are struggling to meet their living expenses. The person continued by saying that an extra $4 means the world for some people. I gathered that struggling authors create royalty share contracts with the thought that whatever revenue they might get from an audiobook would be better than nothing.

My 11 yr old daughter is a gifted reader and loves to read. Is there a market for audiobooks being read by children her age? If so how would you recommend? (My goal as a parent is not a monetary one. I truly think she would really love it)


I also recommend that she read and absorb all of the information on my site which is THE destination for narrators of all levels. The entire home page is devoted to the topic of becoming an audiobook narrator!

I can say that the amount of an audiobook royalty payment depends on many factors and situations that are too detailed and complicated to cover in this space. For instance, if the audiobook was purchased on Amazon as a Whispersync deal, or a library rented an audiobook, the royalty paid can be less than one dollar. However, I have personally received royalty payments of more than $8 per sale from a couple of distributors.

You absolutely can make money as a narrator, but it generally takes time and consistent effort to establish a good clientele. I encourage you to check out all the free info and resources available on my site

For #1 and #2, members of my site can watch a video course I developed titled Create Your Own Path. I added a number of resources to it including some hand-picked, categorized books that may be in the public domain and ready for recording.

If #3 looks appealing, this article should give you ideas and inspiration. I hosted a webinar with Grammy-winning audiobook director/audiobook distributor/intellectual property attorney Jessica Kaye to learn about licensing rights. The 1.5-hour recording comes with a transcript and sample license agreement and may be purchased on my Shop page.

By the way, you generally should say NO to RHs who ask for sound effects and music to be added to their production, even for PFH deals. This article and this one explain.

I wrote this article for authors, but narrators must also know that it takes money to make money. Part 4 of Analyzing the Narrator Self-Assessment Quiz describes some of the financial considerations of being a narrator.

One of the best ways to retrain our mindset is to write and speak affirmations in present tense of the good that we want in our lives. I recommend you start with a book like Bad Ass Affirmations by Becca Anderson to change your thinking and improve your confidence.

A Google search will reveal numerous other audiobook distributors, including Findaway Voices, Audiobooks Unleashed, Spoken Realms, and Big Happy Family Audiobook. The royalty rates are only one consideration. Authors also need to factor in:

You could unlock the secret to financial empowerment with 17 money affirmations, designed to reshape your relationship with wealth and success. As you focus on taking care of your financial self, try to picture a future where you have more than enough of what you need... more than enough money, more than enough savings, more than enough to buy your dream home, meet other financial goals, or whatever that might look like for you.

In finance this law could translate to a concept that basically says you have to be able to envision the life you want your money situation to support before you can set goals to achieve it. Wealth affirmations play a crucial role in this process, serving as a powerful tool to help you clearly visualize and manifest the prosperous life you aspire to create through your financial goals.

These affirmations gave me the motivation to overcome my money obstacles and discover new sources of income . Now I have a financial safety net, money to travel when and where I want, have purchased my own home, and have zero medical debt (I paid it off!). Through the affirmation of money coupled with hard work and consistent focus on my finances, I've been able to maintain this secure financial state, reinforcing my belief in abundance and my ability to achieve and sustain it.

Changing or breaking old habits takes daily practice. Affirmation to manifest money requires a consistent blend of positive thinking and proactive steps, steadily transforming your mindset and actions toward attracting financial abundance.

Our goal at Self is to provide readers with current and unbiased information on credit, financial health, and related topics. This content is based on research and other related articles from trusted sources. All content at Self is written by experienced contributors in the finance industry and reviewed by an accredited person(s). 152ee80cbc

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