Monaco is cryptocurrency in every wallet

MCO investment in a glimpse

Why should you buy MONACO ?

I love Monaco. This project stands out of 95% of the cryptocurrencies out there.

Monaco is going to make it. It is one of my 3 chosen investments. These are my reasons to hold :

  • Monaco card is a superior product

- Monaco is the only cryptocurrency card that have a direct Visa® associate member partnership. It is not a prepaid card.

- Monaco cards are issued by Wirecard, Germany. One of the world leading specialist for payment processing.

- Monaco is built in compliance to existing laws and regulation. Which is the only way to become a globally respected brand in payments space.

- Monaco's competitors aren't other cryptocards projects such as Centra or TenX, but HSBC, Citibank, Chase...

- Monaco have it's own registered BIN (Banking identification number), unlike other cryptocard projects.

- Monaco developed a powerful model allowing you to send and receive money at perfect interbank rates.

- Monaco does not have scalability issue. It uses Visa commoditised processing platforms which already moves tens of billions of dollars every year.

  • Monaco team aims excellence

- Monaco is a world-class team of professionals, each having solid experience in the fields of banking, payment processing and commerce. Including both ex-Visa and ex-Mastercard personnel.

- Monaco is working with Metalab, the designer of Coinbase, Facebook Messenger, Slack and Peer.

- Monaco PR is run by the very reputable Hoffman Agency.

- The product is built and designed for mainstream users, Monaco aims for nothing less than to create a new type of financial institution.

  • Big investment opportunity

- Monaco's business model is built to maximize the scarcity of your tokens over time.

- Monaco's token is now undervalued. Anyone can take advantage of this unique investment opportunity.

- MCO is trading only on a handful of exchanges. More accessibility in future will bring more value.

More material,

Monaco dev update #1, Aug. 31th 2017 : here

Monaco dev update #2, Oct. 18th 2017 : soon

Last updated on Oct. 13th 2017

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MCO : 0xc5fd858cc51c7a86f71c0b8672be9b0dd1f747bb

Or message me on MCO official slack : alexander3