Privacy policy
for My Paris app

My main priority at My Paris is the privacy of the users. This Privacy Policy document contains types of information that is gathered and how I use it.

If you have additional questions or require more information about the Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact me.


By using my app, you hereby consent to the Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.

Collected Information

The only personal data collected by My Paris is your location.

The location data is processed in real time and is not recorded for any other usage than the one listed below

Foreground location usage

When using the app, your location is monitored to offer you the following functionalities:

    • Display your position on the map

    • Display the distance and heading between you and the points of interest

Background location

When the app is sent to the background, your location is still monitored.

A persistent notification is displayed to indicate that your location is monitored when the app is not in use.

Background location is only effective for 6 hours and is automatically disabled if you don’t use the app during this period.

Background location monitoring is limited to the following functionalities:

  • Display a notification when you are close to a point of interest, so that you can see the description linked to this place.

Your position history is not saved nor used for any other purpose like advertisement.

Background location monitoring can be disabled at app start-up or in the parameters screen.

Personal data retention time

All personal information, including your location, is used in real time and is not saved on the device or on the web.

Every data is deleted when you exit the app