Panorama Surveys are given to Hamilton County students twice per year.
You may OPT OUT using this form and submit to the appropriate school personnel:

According to Hamilton County Schools, Panorama measures the following competencies.

  • Questions from the survey are included as examples of each competency.

  1. Self-Management: Regulating your emotions & behavior - During the past 30 days, how often did you come to class prepared?

  2. Emotion Regulation: Managing feelings & emotional states - How often are you able to pull yourself out of a bad mood?

  3. Social Awareness: Understanding the perspectives & feelings of others. During the past 30 days, when others disagreed with you, how respectful were you of their views?

  4. Self-Efficacy: Believing you have the ability to succeed - How sure are you that you can complete all the work that is assigned in your class?

  5. Grit: Persevering through challenges & achieving goals - If you fail at an important goal, how likely are you to try again?

  6. Growth Mindset: Believing you have the potential to change things about yourself - In school, how possible is it for you to change the amount of effort you give?

Panorama Questions and Results (Per Open Record Request)

Grades 3-5:

Grades 6-12: