

I participated in the evaluation of students enrolled in the following programs and courses:

Principles of Macro-Economics, L1 (S1 2019/20), UCP

Transferable Utilities games - M1, Applied Mathematics, UY 1

Collective choice - M1, Applied Mathematics, UY 1

Strategic form games - M1, Applied Mathematics, UY 1

Strategic form games - 3rd & 4th year ISE, Subregional Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics, Yaoundé

Tutorial Mathématiques pour Physique – Chimie 2, (S1 2014/15), ENS Yaoundé

Lecture and Tutorial Linear Algebra, (S2, 2012/13), Centre PRECA, Yaoundé

Tutorial Mathématiques pour Physique – Chimie 1A, (S1 2012/13), ENS Yaoundé

Secondary and High school

Mathematics’ teacher

Computer training teacher